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 As the leaders of the free world we had meetings periodically. As Kaden and I are both Leaders that live together we decided to live and Lead from The Resilient Nation. What started off as awkward between the three of us became more and more normal with each passing day. We have great respect for one another and have the same passion to better our Kingdoms and Nations. I couldn't wait to 'allow all Nations and Kingdoms to visit the Acier Kingdom' just as much as I couldn't wait to 'allow all women equal rights and opportunities', in my Kingdom.

We didn't forget about Kishan. Kishan was captured and detained. We were going to kill him but he just couldn't stop crying. So for now, we've decided to lock him up.

I have warned Tess time and time again about Archer. He is a total flirt and troublemaker. Yet she always seems to fall under his spell.

Kaden and I could never seem to keep our hands off each other. We slept together every night and are currently expecting a beautiful baby girl. Kaden can't wait to be a father.

There's always lives out there that need to be saved.

Lessons that need to be learnt.

And voices that need to be heard. We cannot achieve these goals if we are constantly fighting one another. If we work together, we can have the impact needed to change the world. So what are you waiting for? Be your own leader. All you need is passion with a little bit of courage and like me, you'll soon discover that you had it in you all along. Be smart. Be courteous. Be brave.

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