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I watched from afar as Sayori winked at me, waving her flimsy notebook paper in the air to indicate that she'd be sharing her poem with me after she had done so with Natsuki.

I was going to show Monika my poem first, simply because I was going to ask her if she was willing to tell if my writing was viable or not to be suitable for the club, so I walked in her direction.

Before I could proceed, Yuri grabbed me by the wrist, as I turned around in slight astonishment. She zapped her head from our linked hands and my face rapidly, and pulled back once more. "I'm sorry! Why do I keep doing that... I just wanted to try something, -kun."

Glancing across the room, Monika winked at me, and snickered behind her hand, covering her mouth.

"You don't have to apologise to me, Yuri. I like spending time with you." I said to her.

Yuri almost seemed to have jumped up while gaping her mouth open again, seeming on the verge of looking like an adorable, bijou-esque child. "You're so nice to me..." she spoke softly, roughly stamping her thin piece of paper to my chest. "Y-you can read my poem, if it's only you who's reading it."

I gave Yuri a wink of sympathy, as I skimmed through her poem.

I. Thou Future Eyes

His mind brimmed with beautiful lies, to be remarked by thine fickle eyes. Past revelations and future sins, to no abide. He takes me to a place I've never been, to the edge of light where thy obscurities begin.

Oh awaken me, thou eyes do.
Just thine warmth, only from you.

Her poem was absolutely elegant. I wish I could conjure something this beautiful in just a night. I pull the piece away from my face.
"You're incredible."

Yuri fiddled with her fingers and shied away, "No, you're just saying that -kun..." As she said this, she stared at me from a side view and smiled lightly. "I've never shared my writing with anybody else before."

I looked at her in an uncanny manner. "Really? You should start doing it more often, I think people would adore your writing skills; I really mean it."

Yuri smiled almost visibly now, as I took out my furrowed sheet of paper from my handbag. "You can read my poem, if you'd like, it's not that great to be truthful..."

Yuri happily took the sheet from me, and began scanning the paper with intense showing of interest. Within about a minute, Yuri looked at me with a reverencial expression.

"-kun... How did you manage to capture my attention so thoroughly? I think it's excellent." Yuri said to me, rendering me with a warm feeling in my chest.

I gave her a warm smile, and watched as she oddly stroked two fingers up and down the margins of my paper. She then handed it back to me, and spoke a final time. "You really are a talented writer, -kun... I want to show you my poems all the time!" she said, now seeming quite confident.

Gesturing her calmly, I made my way to present my work to Monika and Sayori, who read my poem at the same time.

Sayori let out a few sniffles and chuckles, which made me feel uncomfortable with her peeping in on Monika's reading. "What's so funny?" I blurted out to her.

Peering over my paper, Sayori spoke, "Nothing at all, I think you're a great writer! I've just never seen this part of you before, and I love it!"

I resented my urge to drag my knuckles across her hair until she apologised like I did when we were children, and waited until Monika was finished.

"Hey, you know, -kun, Yuri's really into this kind of writing. I think she would appreciate your aspects of literature a lot. Anyways, you did fairly better than I expected for a newcomer!" Monika congratulated me, handing my paper back to me.

I smiled at her, "Thanks Monika."

From across the room, sat Natsuki, seeming to be in a crumby mood. I made my way to her, peering over her paper. She glanced up at me, and flinched. "Agh!" Natsuki hollered, almost falling out of her chair. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Hey, I wasn't trying to... Do you mind if I take a peek?" I asked her, pressing my index finger on her paper.

Natsuki folded her hands and made a quiet *tsk* sound with her teeth. "Might as well, since you're practically already reading it."

I skim through it.


Today's sky is very blue.
Tonight's sky is very black.
The signs of the snow were certainly true.
I wonder when the mysterious Santa will come back.
I want to wake up to a pine tree filled with presents.
Not coal, like he gives to the peasants.

The End.

I could tell Natsuki's writing was a little... bland, yet cheery, and not quite as sophisticated as Yuri's. I found it cute, however.

"You hate it," Natsuki automatically assumed in a grumpy tone.

"I do not." I replied.

"Sayori told me that your poem was all soph-ist-icat-ed and stuff like that, blah blah. I know you're trying to impress Yuri, and that my work isn't even worth your time, so just go and hang out with her some more."

I sighed, and handed her paper back. "I never said I didn't like happy poems, did I?" I smiled at her, as she reluctantly looked up, face forming a slight smirk.

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