XI. Mortuary Whispers

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I walked home, clammy and ill-minded. I refused Monika's desire, and luckily for me, she just apologized and let me off. It wasn't rare for me to walk home feeling shameful or guilty.

I mean, come on, I don't even have any male friends... I just feel like a lady-pleaser at this point, heavily relied on to be a little boyfriend to anyone who needs it.

Though, perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe it goes beyond that, but I don't see anything in me that would attract a girl; I'm way too deadpan.

Exhausted, I dropped motionless on the couch the second I walked in my home.

Again, I had woken up quite late. I wasn't used to belating my normal sleeping hours.

Around 9 A.M., no big deal. I suppose today I'll take the day off again, surely I won't feel guilty about having to make up a few assignments.

For a while, I did nothing but think about Yuri, wondering if she will ever wonder what had happened yesterday. Surely Monika wouldn't rat me out on doing something stupid. Plus, it wasn't like a little mouth action was going to kill my feelings for Yuri.

In fact, I decided to visit Sayori and ask her if she had Yuri's number in her phone or something.

Today was another hazy day, a light drizzle glossing the pavement in water. I followed up to Sayori's door, assuming that she would've stayed another day; I'd expected her to be banging on my door a few hours ago, otherwise.

I let myself in, considering we were practically close enough to be this laid-back– at least that's how other's see Sayori and I's relationship.

I felt bad for her anyways, so I was also hoping to wipe the slate clean and apologize for what had happened with Yuri.

From the stairwell, Sayori appeared into view, remissibly hobbling down the steps in anguish. "-kun?" she said, chafing her weary eyes with her pajama sleeves.

"Looks like you didn't live up to your promise," I said, with a hardly noticable smile, "A little hypocritical, don't you think?"

"You hurt my feelings," she began, plopping down on the second step, making several quick, peculiar attempts to get comfortable, "Badly."

I sighed, sitting next to her. I ruffled her hair as she smiled lightly. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," I said, Sayori's daunted eyes drifting in circles as she stared into mine, "I don't know what would happen if I told her off, or whatever."

"Do you like her?" Sayori asked, suddenly forming a questionably blank smile.

Stumbling on my words, I scratched my neck and bobbed my head to the side a few times. "...Nevermind that. Do you have her number? I think I may've deleted it on accident or something."

"Oh, yeah," Sayori said, declining back into her usual morose tone. "Uh..." she uttered, running her thumb faintly across her phone screen, "Ah, here."

I dialed it down and stood up as she followed.

"Is that all you came for?" she asked.

I felt bad, yet again. I didn't want it to seem like I was dejecting her, so I assembled a little lie to comfort her. "I'm not that cold."

"You're very cold– with me."

Putting my hand on her shoulder, I hung my head in dismay, "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just under a lot of stress right now, and I'm trying my best not to come off rude or anything, alright?" I said, giving her a dainty half-smile

"I trust you -kun," she began, "You're my best friend after all, I have no choice." she said, returning a warm smile and heading back upstairs.

"Where are you off to, bed again?" I asked.

"Yeah," she started, yawning lightly in her hand, "I don't wanna see anything right now..." she said, scratching her head.

I sighed aloud, making my way to the door as Sayori left my view, "If you're feeling better, come to my gates and wait for me so we can walk together." I said with a raised voice.

No response.

I called Yuri as soon as I walked out of the door, still feeling heinous about bugging Sayori just for her number.

No answer.

I spent the rest of the day squandering time in my room, feeling too unnerved to watch the TV. I honestly felt a little too consumed of thinking about Yuri.

Trying to have a good time without feeling guilty or hindered was the only thing I was after in life, at the moment.

I let the thought of relaxation circulate through my brain as I drifted to sleep early into the evening, getting a heavy fourteen to fifteen hours of sleep; I wasn't counting.

I woke up in the middle of the night.

My head, back and feet shivered spontaneously.

Shaking my head, I took a look outside, as every few seconds the sky would spark due to the continuous resonance the thunder gave out in effect of the rain. Maybe that's what'd woken me up.

By now I would've figured that the shaking and the dawdling harrow feeling I had would've ceased, though now that I think more of the situation, lightning doesn't even make me shake, in fact I find it peaceful.

My surroundings however...

I went downstairs.

Ah, probably my fiery passion to quench my thirst... Right?

I, without stall, poured myself a cold glass of water and quaffed it down within thirty seconds.

Standing idle, I grew ill.

I had the sudden urge to check outside. I felt like I was being watched. Maybe Sayori was poking around or something. I decided to take a look outside.

As I opened the door, the sudden jarring wind blew in with heavy splats of rain, along with a rough thud of lightning.

I backed out of the way in shock, slowly peering around the corner, and

        Yuri lie shivering in the extreme cold.   She trembled beyond belief, whimpering in a fetal position.
        I felt ever so awful as to see her like this.  It's unimaginable as to how she managed to remain alive in this state.

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