XV. Fetching Eyes

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"You're gonna crush him..." Monika intervened Natsuki as she was patting my head, still saddled down on my back.

Natsuki turned around and blew a raspberry or two at Monika, causing her to sigh, breaking into a laugh.

I was hoping for Monika to wrench her off of me. Natsuki was too heavy for me to drag around town like this. Plus, how far does she even live from school? I felt as if I was the centre of risible attraction over anything else in public right now.

Every breath took it's heel while managing to escape my mouth weakly, "I'll be dead in thirty seconds..." I muttered, as Natsuki laughed like a tyrant.

Luckily, the walk was only a few more minutes in advance. Natsuki hopped off of me in a prissy manner, patting my back softly, "Good work, pony," she giggled."

"Why-" I began panting, "-did you do that to me?"

"That was just step one of repaying us back for abandoning your tribe," Natsuki declared.

I finally caught my breath, and stood up with a slight gain to my durability. "Tribe?" I asked, as I watched Monika shuffling through a ring full of keys to get Natsuki's door open.

Natsuki shot a finger up in the air. "Tribes; that's what we-"

"You, not we..." Monika interposed as she unshackled the door, signalling us to walk inside.

"That I have coined, ever since you left us to join Yuri's tribe," Natsuki continued. I simply shook my head as her and I followed Monika into the home.

As we walked in, Monika flicked almost every light switch in the house on. This was a pet peeve of mine, I've always disliked unnecessary use of light in the daytime. Often I ponder why people can't come to appreciate the shade like I do.

Natsuki sported a salmon-pink cropped-top tee, hair let down in her natural curls, bobbing and jouncing with every movement she made. "Do you know anything about baking?" she asked.

I shook my head in realization, "What's up?"

"Dummy..." she pouted, flicking the temple of my head, "Are you even good at this stuff?"

I shook my head, "I couldn't say."

Monika chuckled from aside me, pouring thick, congealed clumps of batter into seperate filling spots, "You really are a space cadet, -kun," she said with a smile, as she whirled around to pat my head.

I've heard that expression before, 'space cadet'. I'm pretty sure she means to tell me that I'm unaware and lackadaisical.

Truthfully, the turmoil between Monika and I seemed to have subsided. It seems she was sensible enough to accept that it wasn't exactly wise for me to be messing around with her, prior to our little moment.

"Yeah," I laughed, "Sorry."

Monika sat down her utensils and grabbed both of my shoulders, looking at me with lowered, gleeful eyes, "Don't be sorry, silly. I can wake you up with a good back rub," she began, as she ran her right hand down my arm, tenderly fondling it carefully with every stroke of her fingers.

Now, I knew what intentions she had. I wasn't too stumped, considering Natsuki was basically a prevention seal.

Though, her caress was so inviting. I couldn't resist gazing into her eyes in lechery. As I did so, my mouth gaped open slightly, causing her to blush.

"Monika, what colours go well together?" Natsuki asked from behind the kitchen counter.

Monika hesitated before shaking her head, "Blue," she spoke in a soothing tone, as she used two fingers to point to my eyes, then motioned them to her's, "And green." She had the same sly smile planted on her face from before.

I sort of did away with the subliminal hint, and glanced down at the variety of constricted and crinkled tubes of icing to distract myself.

There wasn't much time up until Natsuki was ready to shove the tray into the stove. I felt slightly guilty for lacking participation, because Monika and I seemed to have been flirting with each other while Natsuki busted her chops on making us snacks.

I could hear Monika instructing Natsuki about what to do with the stove– a simple command. Watching Monika slowly explain things to her was painful to look at, it was almost as if she was speaking to brick wall.

"Will these explode?" Natsuki asked, pointing to one of the four burners.

I could faintly hear most of their conversation. Truthfully, I was dozing off. This wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my daily leisure, though I don't really loathe it as much as I do being home alone in bed.

"Alright," Monika spoke, classic presidential tone accompanying her coo, "Who's in for a movie?"

Thus, of course, Natsuki was jubilant and in triumph over the idea. Her movie choice was something else, however.

"What is this station?" Monika asked, perplexed.

"シナモンブレードネットワーク... or for short, CBN. It's probably the most high-end streaming software for watching anime," I claimed, as Monika laughed, unknowing of the subject.

"See? Not all anime fans are freshmen," Natsuki taunted.

As Natsuki put on what appeared to be a marathon full of robot-esque TV shows, she let her feet rest on the arm of the chair, and layed her head back on my lap without my knowledge. "Ah," I stuttered, "You could've asked t-"

"Shhh..." Natsuki interrupted mew while she snickered behind her teeth. She closed her eyes gently and proceeded to rest tranquilly.

Monika uttered a soft humming noise,


What was it

About that stupid noise

That made me feel

So warm

jesus christ, i'm
in the mood to fuck
the bow-headed
slut. look how
she's playing this
bullshit act just
to get me to stick
it in her. i wonder
how fat her ass is.
i want her cheeks
to slam down on my
pelvis. actually, i
don't care how big
it is, i just want
to hear the stupid
pig scream.

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