Chapter 2: depression to determination

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The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
-Vince Lombardi

"Ever have those feelings of self-doubt or feel like you don't belong in the world?"

That is me at this point as everyday it feels like I am just waiting for the end to come sooner than later... People used to look at me as if I was a creep when I was alive...... Now that I'm a zombie they don't just think of me as a creep..... They're scared of me and think of me as a freak. Me and the other monsters decided to go our separate ways as the alien gave us all cell phones to use if either of us needed to contact one another. I accepted it and was thankful to meet kind Monsters and Aliens like them while hoping to find somewhere that I belong as all of them went on to a truck hoping to find a place for all of them to live at. I was kind of happy to see that all of them were finding somewhere they belong but while on my beginning travel I started to feel lonely and depressed because the fact that my siblings we're not with me at that time. I decided to a small town as it was raining which truly made me feel much better, I looked up at the sky wondering what I was able to do? I walk to a bridge that was made up of stones as I felt so depressed I decided to jump off the bridge hoping that this would end my suffering......


The River below catched my fall..... and also the river was low level.....

This truly disappointed me since the fact that I wanted to die more than live a life as a zombie......
I got myself out of the water with my legs broken but they repaired themselves instantly...
"What the heck did they do to me? Now I can't even die or feel pain like a normal person anymore.... I guess that this is how it's going to be for a while until they can fix me."

I decided to make myself useful in this town since I'm going to be here for a while and decided to take of a job as a part timer at the local slaughterhouse as the butcher was a very nice guy but also seems like he has secrets that were hidden away that no one else knew about. For example:
Every night after closing time he would tell me to go home early and every night in town there would be a killing.

After a few weeks everyone started to think that the butcher was the murderer that has been killing a lot of good people for months now because the fact that he was very good at cutting meat where he could cut me with just a simple knife in a matter of seconds.

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