Chapter 4: everyone's got to eat

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But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals
Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .
Nick Cave

When it comes to eating, I could eat anything when I was alive but now that I'm dead it's hard for me to stay away from eating normal foods without having to put human meat into my food. When it came to you in Chinese food I would put actual human meat into my boneless rib tips, when it came to eating other Foods it was hard for me not to desire more and more food with human parts in it. Anyways, after driving for a few hours after the motel incident and reading up on studying for a few test of my own, I got a call from one of my friends from Area 51.

*I picked up the phone*


A-N: Suuupp? what's up man? Everybody has been worried about you since none of us have seen you ever since we all went our separate ways.

"Well besides everyone trying to hunt me down because the fact that the general is trying to pay a huge ransom for my return, dead or alive if I may add, and the fact that I have no memories of my past plus I want to be able to find this guy but I have no leads."

A-N: I'm sorry to hear that man but the only thing I can give you is the nearest government base that is a couple miles of where your going.

"Thanks A-N, but anyway how are you doing in the ways of working so on and so forth?"

A-N: it isn't bad that's just yesterday I made my first sale at a 7-Eleven.

~Flashback at 7-Eleven~
*A-N was disguised as a human since he is an alien from another planet that was captured by the government and put into a chamber pot, but now he works at 7-Eleven making up to $9 an hour even though he could do other jobs but he rather stay low-key and not be bothered. Just yesterday it was his first day as a cashier as a customer walked up to him to pay for they're beverage.*

A-N: greetings human customer.

Costumer: can I get some cig-

*A-N quickly use telekinesis to get the cigarettes*

A-N: here is your cigs human.

Costumer: wow! that was qui-

A-N: and here's your receipt for your Frozen beverage, tobacco substance, and your credit card.

Costumer: wait how did you?

A-N: you left your card on the counter.

Costumer: did i?

A-N: yes you did and I hope you have a nice day and come back soon Earthling.

~Flashback over~

A-N: nailed it. *He drank some of his soda well playing video games*

"Anyways I'm going to get going as I need to fill up the tank again in this car of mine so tell everyone I said hey when you see them as I seriously need to go on a diet."

A-N: okay but why?

"It seems like my Hunger has become even more effective as I want to be able to control my cravings and not  just eat any old buddy."

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