a member seen you in his lap kissing

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Jimin.. you was had just got done with a movie that had a kiss Sean and he said " ahh y/n come here and let me show you how a real man does it) and pats him lap and you smile and shook your head but did it any way you got in his lap and he pulled you face to his and kissed you and then yall get more into it he pulls you closer with your butt and makes you slid on him and he made a little sound .then kookie came in to see what was wrong and opened the door and seen yall kissing and he screamed and jimin only moveing his head a little said"sorry your not old enough too know how to kiss a women like her * he hits your ass* "you let out a yelp and jimin smriks at him as he runs off too jin lol

J-hope.. you was on him after dancing and he could not resist you and then jin came. J-hope for got that his was sopost to help him today and when jin came in the door to hear muic playing and not see hodi he looked around and seen you on j's lap (i call him j alot so i may do that on a lot off his sorry)and then yelled at the both of yall and lechered yall on the different ways to get stds (lol mom )

Suga.. he was doing work in the studio and was just getting a little needy so you when up too him and with no worning got on him lap and kissed him (wontingly)? Lol) he just kissed back and place his hands on you hips and pulled you closer to him and at that moment in comes rapmon with a new lyrics for a cypher and he broke the door handle in shock off what was happening he ran away with the handle suga looks as he ran away and said "your fixing the fucking boor " now mad a him he takes his anger out on you

RM..You had just got there and there was no one around but rapmon on the couch and you walked slowly to him from be hind and jumped on him makeing him drop his phone in his lap and you sat on it not knowing and you kissed him he kissed back but a the same time was trying to get his phone from under you and you made little sounds as an effect of it and as he tryed to get it ,it looked so wrong and v had came in and did not even notice un till you yelled and he turned to see this really strang sight and looked at yall for littel then whint blank tea after figured out what it was yall was doing and the ran away yall never new

V..he was in the living room sitting on the couch with his phone playing a game and know matyer how much you tryed to get him to look at you he juat sat there and said " just wait babe im almost done with the level" and did not even look at you so you got mad and wint the room to think about what to do as you leave he shouts" jagi dont be like that" you look back at him as he said it and the with back too him and stood in front off him till he looked up at you and the you got on his lap and kissed him and he kissed back and put his hands on your back and as yall got in too it in walked jimin he just laughed and said "so v is not as innocent as we all though " and just went on with his day .

Kooki..he is currently on this game he loves so much And has been there for the day and yoi want attention to so you go and just looked at his and he said " i know baby give me 5 minutes" "i already gave you 20 now "and with that he looked at you and you took the chance to put your self on his lap and kiss him and he quickly kissed back he put down the controller and heald your back and head as you kiss intinsted in came suga and he yelled at yall " what the fuck is this yall are what like 5 that is adult shit yall need...uga what the fuck ever just please do that in private PLEASE" and yall are speechless and he walked too his studio and yall just took it too the bed room for privatese and just in case 😉 it was going anywhere else

Jin.. yall was in the kitchen cooking and you had seen that jin had some cookie dough on the side of his face so you when too try and get it and feel on him .he landed on his back and you landed on his lap and yall laughed and he asked why you said "you had some on your face i was trying to get it " he smiled and you lean down to him and kissed him and he kiied back and graded your back and brought you up so that yall are siting now and then j-hope came in and seen and jumped and screamed like there was a bug and it was runing after him and jin yell at him to leave and he did he ran so fast and yall continued on in your room just so its a little more private

So i hope yall like it this was fun to do tbh lol so hope you loved it
byee bye

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