What he got you for your b-day

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Jimin... he got you a lot of candy and a necklace with both of y'all names on it and the date you and him got together

V....this man went out and bought you almost one of everything in the Gucci store lol

J-hope... knowing how much you love jewelry he got you a promise ring and flowers

Jin... he cooked you your favorite meal and then he gave you a bracelet with a couple of charms he knew you would love

Kookie...he took you out to eat and then he let you pick a place that you tow are going to go on a little birthday vacation to

Suga...of course he wrote you a rap only for you and all so stayed home with you all week so he could spend a lot of time with you because he knows he is not always around

RM... he took you to a nice place to eat and then took you to all your favorite store and let you shop

So I think this may be the last one for tonight but I will be back lol .. but it's like 3:30 where I am so I need to sleep ... and also if you have anything you would like for me to write about please let me know I love to do ones that I know you will like 😂... I will see y'all all in the next one have a lovey Dovey day 🥰

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