~First time~

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It was early in the afternoon and you and a friend of yours were walking back to your houses after the regular morning schedule at school. He was mainly blabbing about his ex-girlfriends, about the passionate relationships he had with them and how he missed sex now that he was single.

You nodded now and then but you weren't listening to his futile talk, though. It wasn't an argument you were interested in, or at least you weren't that interested in hearing his detailed experiences... However, that topic had hit the right nerves. Your boyfriend Michael instantly popped in your mind and in a few seconds you found yourself trapped in a fog of thoughts concerning your own relationship. There wasn't really anything to worry about or problems disturbing it, though recently you sensed your physical needs to increase and the urge to consume a carnal rapport with your boyfriend flustering you every time he was nearer or even in less opportune moments.

As knowing what you were thinking, your friend suddenly changed his tone of voice, instantly drawing your attention and switched the subject of his conversation, focusing on you.

"Actually... now that I think of it.. you haven't told me yet how your intimate rapport with your boyfriend is. Would you mind to fill me in, you sly bitch?"

He teasingly asked, making you chuckle and shake your head.

"I haven't really anything to say or tell you about, stupid. I would have already told you, don't you think?"

Your shoulders raised and lowered in impotence, just like your pouty lips.

His blank expression changed all of a sudden and he burst out laughing his ass off, nearly chocking on his own saliva.

"Are you fucking serious Y/N?! You haven't had sex with him yet?!"

He almost screamed out without thinking about the people walking down the street near you.

You shushed him and elbowed him on his arm.

"Are you crazy Y/F/N?! Are you really screaming these things out loud in the streets?", you angrily whispered.

"Okay, sorry sorry", he lowered his voice, calming himself "but.. you've been together for like.. one year and a half or even more? How could you haven't had sex yet? Ther's a big problem here Y/N. A BIG BIG one." he whispered with a lot of emphases.

"There's no fucking problem, okay? The whole thing about relationships is not sex, even if I know that for you is the contrary.. but for us not. I love him so so much and I don't really care about this particular and little detail. Okay? And now please, for god's sake, avoid to raise this issue ever again.. do it for me, please.", you begged him, nearly pleading.

He nodded in defeat, raising his hands with the palms turned towards you.

"Let me just ask you one last thing Y/N.. then I will never again talk about this.."
When you allowed him to, he promptly asked "Have you ever felt the need to.. well, have a physical connection with him in all this time you've spent together? You're even in the same house.. you sleep in the same bed... I mean.. do you imagine that thing to happen sometimes?"

He wasn't wrong, at all and you couldn't lie about it. Recently, your mind was always focused on just one thing; you've dreamed of it both with closed and opened eyes. It was nearly driving you crazy.

Your no response was all your friend needed, and to be honest, he already knew you would have reacted like that.

"If you want it.. then why haven't you said something to him? Or maybe made him understand in some way your need.. with your behaviour, with a specific word or gesture. He would have understood."

Michael Myers x Reader  |One-Shots|Where stories live. Discover now