~Movies and Kisses~

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-Miiike, do you want some?-

You extended your arm and nudged him with the maxi size bowl of popcorn you were holding, the one you previously prepared for the movie night you had planned to have with your dear friend Michael.
It was a regular thing for the two of you to take food, pick a movie and unwind the day off on the couch.

He hummed, shaking a little his head without looking at you.
He was still rummaging through your videotapes collection, conflicted on which movie pick for the night; all of his favourites had already a little red "x" on their cover, meaning that they had already been chosen previously.

You looked intensively at him for a few moments, then groaned ironically, throwing the bowl on the seat next to you.
You knelt down close to him and placed your hands on his, action that made him stop and turn his head toward you.

-Mike.. since you're evidently undecided and since well, time is running fastly.. why don't you let me choose the movie for tonight, mh?- you whispered, gently squeezing his hands in yours. -I swear, I won't pick any romantic drama I know you hate!- you threw your arms in the air, defensively -Have trust in me, would you?- you whispered again, slowly moving his hands aside and cautiously peering at him, uncertain of his reaction.

Much of your surprise, he slightly nodded and sat back on the couch, leaving the box at your complete disposal.
You couldn't repress a little smile but lowered soon after your head on the box in front of you, taking a brief look at all the covers.
You already knew which movie to pick and once you found it, you crawled toward the TV, inserted the videotape in the VHS player and ran back on the couch.

You chuckled internally, imagining Michael possible reaction at your movie choice.

As the video was starting, your eyes slyly darted on your friend silhouette, expectantly waiting to see his response.
When the movie's title finally appeared on the screen, Michael awkwardly tensed up, moving his hand on the armrest and clenching his fingers around the top of it.

You instinctively covered your mouth with both hands to suppress your giggling.
You knew too well how sex-oriented movies made him behave oddly and awkwardly, and even though you could have never ensured it, you bet his face grew red too for the embarrassment! Nevertheless, the reason behind his weird reaction was unknown to you and you didn't dare to ask.
You tried to watch the same movie for the first time months ago, and his reaction made you laugh uncontrollably for rest of the night, obtaining from Michael all sort-of snorts, grunts and cold stares and ending the movie night before it could even start.
It was a good movie though! Its genre was horror, but sex scenes were quite present in it. Not such a big deal, to be honest.. but apparently for him, it was.

As the movie went on, plenty of kisses and make out scenes appeared on the screen one after another, with the addition of some good splatter content. Michael was silently staring at the TV; his figure stoic as usual.

You turned a little your head, careful to come out unnoticed and fixed your gaze on Michael's mask.
You could barely see his skin underneath, but the TV colours were projecting on his blank face, making his dark eyes to sparkle a little. You just stared at him in awe, amazed at how much affection you felt for that big boy sitting beside you.
Your heart started pumping so fast just by looking at him. You were in love with him, it wasn't a secret anymore.
Throughout the past months you tried to understand your true feelings, what you felt for him wasn't a simple friendly affection.. it was more, far more. It isn't normal to daydream about kissing a friend, is it? Nor making out with him...

Maybe it was because of the movie and the atmosphere that it inevitably created, but when a particular sweet kissing scene came on the screen, you felt slightly aroused and you couldn't help but imagine the two of you in the characters place.

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