~x BirthdayGirl!Reader~

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[ Hello! So I have a request. Maybe you could write, only if you like, this little story. My birthday is in 5 days, and I know that no one (except my Mom and Sis) is coming. I came up with the idea that you maybe could write something about Michael showing up on my birthday? Like when I'm alone at the end of the day, or when I'm outside a little bit walking, whatever. Aaand somehow, it shouldn't sound too sad, but just write however you like! It could be fluffy stuff or a lemon. I like both things, so just take whatever you want for this story. (: I'm really excited, and maybe I'll get more ideas. ^-^ ]

WARNING: N/A, fluff one-shot.


You quietly stared at the crackling fire, crimson flames dancing in the fireplace, the smell of burnt papers soaking the air.

Your eyes were firmly set on the invitation cards you've just thrown away as they were crumbling up and turning into ashes, swallowed by the blaze.

It was your birthday; your Your/Age birthday, to be more exact. A day that's supposed to be special, full of joy and affection, a day one should spend with family and friends and with a lasting cheeky smile printed upon the face. It should be like this, yeah...

It hasn't been for you, though. If it wasn't for your lovely mom and sister, you would have spent such a special day alone at home, probably crying because no one of those so-called friends dared to show up. Instead, you had a bittersweet and small family reunion, a soft knitted scarf as a present and you also ate a pair of pieces of a yummy homemade birthday cake.

Not that bad, after all, one would say. However the day wasn't over yet, the sun had just set and you were alone once again, the roaring fire as your sole companion, noisy source of heat and light.

You weren't feeling sad not even that upset. You already knew it would have ended like this, somehow. You figured it out when none of your friends replied to your letters, so you've got used to the idea of ending up being alone on this day. But nonetheless, you couldn't help but feel disappointed. That made you realize that after all you still had hope for things to go differently.

You sighed deeply, lightly shaking your head as you stood up, eyes lingering on the fire one last time before you threw a look at your surroundings. 

A shiny little object lying on the floor a few steps forward got your attention and you slowly approached it, kneeling down as you took a better look at it. It was your sister's hair clip, she wore it when she came in the morning, but it probably fell throughout the day without her noticing.

You were about to extend your hand to take it when someone abruptly knocked at the door, startling you.

-Who could it be at this hour...- you murmured, throwing a look at the pendulum clock before fixing your gaze on the door.
You quietly stood up and walked toward it, "she probably noticed her hair clip was missing", you considered. The image of your sister freaking out and running back to your house made you smile and ease up.

-You know, I could give it back to you tomorr..- you stated in a mocking tone as you opened the door but soon stopped when your eyes met the street.
There was no one standing there in front of you, yet you were sure you heard a knock.

-How..?- you mouthed, blinking several times as you threw a look around. Not a single soul in sight.

Something, however, caught your attention once again. In stark contrast with the dark rug at your feet, a red rose was lying upon it, wrinkly looking as if someone trampled it.
You crouched down, head tilting quizzically as you studied the flower. A red liquid, camouflaged by the crimson colour of the rose, was dripping from its petals. Could it be.. blood?

Michael Myers x Reader  |One-Shots|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ