Chapter 4- Cinnamon Disaster

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4| Cinnamon Disaster

It was after school the day and I was sitting in the corner of a cafe, holding a Vogue magazine in front of me to cover my face. I checked the time.

4:30. I frowned, they should be here by now. I pulled out my phone.


Where are you? I thought I told you to bring Madeleine
to the cafe at 4:15? You know? For a romantic date?


I would, but you see, she's introducing me to all these girls
who look like they applied their lipstick with a trowel.


Get. Her. Here. Now!


I'm trying!


Ughh finally. On my way right now.


I'll be waiting

Putting my phone down with a sigh, I quickly slipped on some dark sunglasses and pretended to be interested in "How to lose 10 pounds of weight in a week" when Liam and Madeleine walked in and sat down at a nearby table.

"Awww...Liam! This is so romantic!" She cooed adoringly. For a second, Liam looked like he wanted to vomit.

"O-only for you." He choked out.

"So babe, what do you wanna order?" Madeleine said, batting her eyelashes at him while looking at the menu.

I quickly texted him.

Something cinnamon!

He glanced my way and inclined his head a bit, before looking back to the menu. Being Madeleine's ex best friend had it's perks. I know all her weaknesses such as the fact that she HATES cinnamon and won't touch anything with even a hint of it.

"Well, babe?" Madeleine asked again, leaning forward from her seat.

"How about the pumpkin and CINNAMON latte, with the CINNAMON tarts and some CINNAMON rolls? I love my cinnamon." He suggested casually, smirked slightly.

Madeleine swallowed hard and faked a bright smile.

"R-really? I'll have that too! I just LURV cinnamon, I eat it everyday!" She said brightly.

"Great. Then I'll make you cinnamon doughnuts and a cinnamon latte everyday. You'll eat it right?" Liam asked innocently, before hailing a waiter's attention.

"R-really? You'd do that for me?" Maddie asked.

"Of course! To show my dedication to you, I'll make you food with cinnamon in it everyday!" Spider-Man flashed a brief smile.

"T-then of course I'll eat it!" Madeleine looked like she wanted to dig a ditch and die.

"Then it's officially settled! Something cinnamon for you, everyday!" Liam said as the food arrived. Madeleine looked down at her plate wearily.

"Well, aren't you gonna eat?' He prompted.

"Of course I am, I' gonna take a photo of this first. For erm... good memories." She lied, taking out her phone and snapping a photo.

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