Chapter 20-Raccoon Face

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20| Racoon Face

"I can't believe it...I can't believe it." I chanted as tears flowed freely from my eyes. I held onto my drenched tissues for dear life, as I shuffled around the bathroom that I had found somewhere in this gigantic house.

As I looked into the mirror, a puffy-eyed girl whose hair had died was looking back at me. Her makeup was ruined and truth to be told, she looked like a raccoon.

"It's ok...I can still fix this. Let me just brush my hair a bit and wash the mascara off." I looked around and found some rubbing alcohol wipes and tried to use it to wipe off my raccoon face. But all that did was reveal my puffy eyes.

I was lying to myself, I looked like utter crap.

Still sniffling, I slowly pulled out my phone and speed-dialled Riley.

"Riley!" I blubbered as soon as she answered.

"Hi Natalie, what's up?"

"Where are you?" I rasped, as I tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Yeah, I'm with Liam right now..." Riley's voice trailed off.

"You have a date with Liam?" I asked incredulously, gripping my phone harder.

"NO IT'S NOT A DATE! Long story but he ended up staying for dinner and mum was cooking....tomato soup."

"Your mother was cooking? Are you ok?" I cleared my throat.

"Uh, I'm not at the ER surprisingly." Riley chuckled good humouredly.

"That's good, now um..." I strained to keep my voice from cracking, "Jacob ditched me for some other girl. Can you pick me up?"

"Wait what? He ditched you? Oh my god, I'll be right there."

"Cool, I'll send you the address." I whispered and hung up.

I sat on the basin and cried. I felt so stupid. I wasn't stupid, I literally saw Jacob walk over to Maddie and pull her closer to him. That was obviously cheating. Obviously!

But why was I still trying to justify his actions? Maybe he was drunk, maybe he didn't mean to, maybe he was just talking to her. Maybe I just wasn't good enough.

Or maybe he knew what he was doing and he should just take responsibility for it. It hurt knowing the truth. I could deny it in my head all I want but it was still true.

I didn't want to admit that the amount of time that I had dedicated to the relationship was a waste. It hurt me to think that we were over.

And I was so stupid for not listening to Riley. She had always warned me that Jacob was kind of sketchy but I kept denying it because I was so stupidly infatuated with him. In the end she kind of stopped warning me after I accused her of wanting to purposely ruin my 'ever so perfect' relationship.  The more I thought about it, the more stupid I thought I was.

The endless amount of times that I had cancelled my plans with Riley that we had made weeks before to go on a last minute date with Jacob was ridiculous. I was such an idiot for not realising it.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when there was a bang on the locked bathroom door and Jacob's husky voice sounded through the door.

"Natalie I know you're in there." He said.

"So what if I was?" I retorted back.

"Babe I'm sorry. It was an arsehole move and I know I screwed up." He sighed.

"Well as long as you know." I muttered sarcastically.

"I mean it, Natalie. I'm really sorry."

He sounded sincere, but even if he was, the damage was done. I didn't reply. There was silence for a bit before the door moved a bit.

"I'm just going to sit here against the door until you're  ready." Jacob said quietly. I hesitated, before getting off the basin and moved so that I was also sitting on the floor with my back against the door.

It wasn't like the old times anymore, we were now forever separated by the barrier between us. So close yet so far.

"Jacob, I don't think you know the extent of the carnage you left. You know what Maddie did to my best friend and her brother. You know how much I hate her. knew how much you meant to me. So-" I had to stop talking as I choked on my own tears.

"I'm sorry," Jacob muttered quietly, "I wish I could turn back time and—"

"You wish. But you can't. There's no such thing as a time machine you know, and there's no pill to cure regret. You really broke my heart this time. Jacob, you were the first person I've ever been with. It makes me really sad to leave you." I whispered hoarsely.

"Is this the end of us?"

"Yeah, thank you for the memories." I smiled sadly. I could hear shuffling on the other side of the door as Jacob stood up.

"Thank you for the memories too." The hesitation and sadness in his voice mirrored mine.

The tears started falling again as I heard his footsteps walk further away, until the sounds has melted once again into the sea of people, engulfed in the chaos of the party.

A/n: ...Another update at last. I know it's really short but I didn't wanna put 2 different POV's into the one chapter.

I wrote this chapter as a reminder that if you're in a toxic relationship, you need to get out it!



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