Chapter 22-oh no, not again

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Chapter 22| oh no, not again


"Ughhhhh I'm gonna dieeee" Riley moaned, holding on an empty macdonald's paper bag that I'd found. She was lying across the backseat of my car again, with Natalie's lap underneath her head.

Geez, i should really get used to her lying in my car moaning. Wait—wait that's not what I meant. Oh my god, shut up brain!

"Riley, why don't you just tell your mum that you can't eat her food?" Natalie sighed.
"I-I'm too nice. Ugh, the smell of McInedible fries is killing me." Riley groaned, looking at the fast food bag in distain.
"Hey! No vomiting in any other places other than that bag!" I warned, looking at her through the rear view mirror suspiciously.
"Oh you shut up, Liam." She looked at me with glassy eyes before dry heaving  into the paper bag again.
"I thought you dumped most of the food in the toilet?" Natalie rubbed Riley's back comfortingly.
"I know....but I still ate some of it."

"We're almost there, ok?" I turned the car around another corner.
"Oh! Finally!" Riley almost cried with relief as she saw the hospital sign. After hurriedly parking the car, I quickly unlocked her side of the door and helped her out. Riley stumbled onto the pavement awkwardly and gave me a grateful smile.

Or rather, she would've. If she didn't puke on me again.

"OH god! This is the second time I have your bodily fluids on me." I winced in disgust. Wait, no. Not that kind of bodily fluids. FREAKING HELL BRAIN GET YOURSELF OUT OF THE GUTTER!

"Let's hope that you'll be third time lucky, yeah?" Riley smiled awkwardly and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Alright, let's go." Natalie slowly guided her to the entrance. The receptionist took one look at Riley and grimaced.
"Riley, you're here again? I presume it's from your mum's cooking?" The middle aged lady asked.
"Yeah, it was tomato soup this time." Riley laughed good-humouredly.
"That woman, she couldn't cook in high school and I guess she still can't cook now." The receptionist shook her head in disapproval.
"Well, take a seat ok? I'll make sure the doctor comes to get you."
"Thanks Sheryl." Riley smiled.

"Who was she?" I asked as the three of us sat down.
"Oh, a friend of my mum's." Riley responded as she leaned on Natalie's shoulder.
"Oh, cool".
"Guys, I'm going to get some water, yeah? Liam, will you mind if..." Natalie said as she looked between me and Riley.
"Alright." I sighed, putting an arm around Riley as she leaned on me.
"Look, I'm sorry about calling you stupid ok? I was mad and I just really needed a metaphorical punching bag that i could verbally punch....y'know?" She mumbled quietly into my jacket.
"Don't sweat it,ok? We'll talk about this later, when you feel better." I assured her.
"Which will be never if that goddamn doctor doesn't show up." Riley quipped.
"I guess you still have your sense of—"
"Riley Henzel?" A nurse called.

"I guess it's my turn. Give me a hand, will you?" Riley made grabby hands. I shook my head in amusement before pulling her up.
"Do you want me to go in with you?" I asked.
"Nah, this isn't my first rodeo. Just wait outside with Natalie alright?" She laughed lightly before following the nurse into a nearby room. I watched them disappear behind the door before sitting back down again.

Not long after, Natalie returned holding three cups.
"Where'd she go?" She asked, handing me a cup. I took a sip of the cool water and gestured to the direction Riley had gone with the nurse.
"She's with the doc in there."

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