Chapter One

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Katie sealed the envelope that had her college application to Arizona State University inside and stuck it inside her backpack. She laced her shoes and straitened her blond ponytail. She checked her makeup in the mirror, carefully brushing a lose eyelash away from her blue eyes. She threw her backpack over her shoulder and rushed out the door and into her car. She was thankful her dad left her this car, because she hardly ever saw her mom and even when she did they didn't speak. Turning on the car, she checked the clock and knew she was cutting it close. She looked both ways and backed out of the driveway, and headed towards the school.

She pulled up to Greenville High, ironically named as Arizona is a desert. She pulled into the student lot, grabbed her bag and dropped her letter off in the mailbox outside the school.

"Katie!" A voice behind her exclaimed. She turned around and was embraced by the warm arms of Evan, her boyfriend of three years. He was a few inches taller than her, she stood at 5'6" and he at 5'9". He was thin, really bringing meaning to the "starving artist" cliché. He had long black hair that he constantly pushed out of his eyes, and that hid his chestnut-colored eyes. They met freshmen year in beginning art. He was a painting prodigy and she, an aspiring writer, who wanted an elective a bit more creative than home-EC. "I hit a thousand views on my speed painting of Rajah last night!" Rajah was his orange tabby, who he may love more than her.

"Well that's awesome! My YouTube superstar!" She kissed his cheek, and looked over at his phone where he showed her the 1002 views he had on his video. "I'm sure that I'm only half of those views."

"Well, it still counts!" He chuckled. "Did you finish your application?"

"Mailed it off just a second ago. What about you?"

"I'm still undecided. I mean I did send in my application to the Art Institute, but I've been in talks with a local art gallery, they said they are interested in my final project and if that goes well they may feature me for a show."

"What! That's incredible!" She squeezed her arms around him. "So, are you going to let me see it yet?"

"Nope! You can see it when it's done. Remember, it's a surprise for you!"

"Yeah, yeah." She pouted. "Well it better be worth it!"

He shook his head and kissed her cheek. "You better hurry to class. Don't want to ruin that perfect attendance."

"I love you," she whispered, before waving and walking off.

"I love you too!" He exclaimed, despite the fact they were a good distance apart.

Her smile expanded and she waved ridiculously large at him, before turning the hall. She crossed over and entered her English course. She waved at Mrs. Johnson as she took her seat, just as the bell rang. Her teacher shook her head, and walked up to the front of the classroom.

"Well class, as you may remember a few months ago I had you all write an essay that I'd enter in a scholarship competition for you. Well, I'm pleased to say that one of the students in this class was the winner and will receive $3000 towards their college tuition each college semester they attend. The winner of that prize is our very own Katie Merryn."

Katie jumped up to a stance, her heart beating rapidly against her chest. Her classmates clapped for her. Her smile was large, but she couldn't bring herself to form any words. She crossed over and grabbed the certificate and envelope of information from Mrs. Johnson and embraced her.

"Thank you. This is incredible."

"Very well deserved. You're a talented writer. Now take your seat," Mrs. Johnson instructed.

She took her seat and nodded at a few of her classmates that congratulated her. She looked at the envelope and opened it, pulling the details of her entry and the prize. She couldn't believe that she already had a head start on her tuition. She put the letter and certificate away in her bag and pulled out her notebook.

"I'm going to give you time to begin your essay now, but it will be due tomorrow. Two pages, please write about where you see yourself in five years. We will be putting the final drafts in the senior time capsule you all put together."

Katie looked at the paper, put her name on it and titled it as directed. On a separate page, she began to write some ideas. Five years was easy. In five years she, Evan and Linette would all be graduated. She would hope that by then Evan would propose and that Linette would be her maid of honor. Her sister maybe on her second baby, and Katie and Evan making a living on her writing and his art. Maybe they'd be thinking of starting a family of her own. Maybe by that time, she'd also have a good relationship with her mother. Maybe one where she didn't blame her for her dad's death. She took a deep breath and smiled. Five years from now sounded perfect.

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