Chapter Twenty

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Skipping school was never something Linette did, but it was the only time she was going to be able to visit him. She went through the security protocols and made her way to the visitation area. She sat on the other side of the window, the pictures equipped in her hands. She waited until she saw him cross over to him. Katie had briefed her on the situation, but she never met the guy. The first time she saw him was on news coverage of the story. He had two black eyes now and an additional bruise on his cheek. He walked with difficulty over to her before taking the seat. He looked at her, a look she couldn't place. He picked up the phone as she did and placed it to his ear.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Linette. I came because I needed to know why. Why you took her from me." She shoved the pictures on the glass. "Katie was my best friend and you killed her."

His eyes moved to the pictures. He didn't talk, but just stared at them. His expression didn't change.

"The only person I aimed at was Daves. The rest were just collateral."

"So, it means nothing to you that you killed her? Even after what she did for you?"

"She did nothing!" He exclaimed, "she was weak. I warned her, it's her own fault for not listening."

Linette felt fear rush through her veins. She felt like she would be sick, but didn't want to show this to him. "She wasn't weak. You were." the tremble in her voice failing her.

"I did what needed to be done. I'd do it again." He stood up and hung up the phone and gestured for the guards to take him back to his cell.

Linette stared and hung up the phone. She looked down and saw Katie's pictures start to become wet as her tears fell on them. She stood up and sniffled and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. Flinching at the contact from the fresh cuts on her opposite arm. She clutched onto Katie's photos and walked back outside. She came for closure, for some understanding, but got nothing. In fact, she felt worse. Katie sacrificed her safety to walk him to class every day and he showed no remorse. Linette went home, knowing no one was home. She couldn't stand the idea of being around anyone right now.

She sat on her bed watching the time she found Katie's body replay in her mind. She glanced at the calendar and saw that tomorrow was a family event. They were all going to come to her house, because they were concerned about her. No matter how much she begged no one would stop her uncle from coming. She clutched her chest and felt the tears stream back down her face. The pain was becoming too much. She never felt safe. Not from her family, not from reporters, not from Katie or herself.

She stared down at the photos and set them on her end table next to a candle she lit. She crossed over to her desk and scribbled on a piece of paper. She took another paper and started to write a letter to her parents. She walked out of her room, only to return several minutes later with a glass of water and the bottle of her father's blood pressure medication from her mother's medicine cabinet. She taped the paper to her door and locked it. She changed into a dress and laid in her bed. Her eyes staring at Katie's picture as she took all the pills in the bottle. She felt the single tear that shed down her face as she reached over and grabbed Katie's photo. She took a breath and clutched it to her chest.

At least I'll be with Katie now...

She closed her eyes and let herself drift to sleep. The note on the door reading "Mom & Dad. Don't come in. Call 9-1-1." Meanwhile, the note on her table read.

Dear Mom & Dad.

I'm sorry that I could not be brave enough to continue this fight. The truth is since what happened with Uncle Harvey I was never okay. Maybe now you'll believe me, but I do hope that somehow you can find a way to move past this. Katie was my best friend, and I know you don't understand the extent of our relationship, but it was special and it was the only thing that made me want to live. She was the one who helped me stop cutting and the one who helped with my anxiety while you stood aside and pretended it never existed. However, despite all of that I forgive you and I don't want you to go down the same self-destructive path I've chosen. I want you to move forward and try again, but please if you do, don't let them anywhere near Uncle Harvey, and please pay attention to the little things. I'm sorry dad, about your pills.

I love you both, and I'm sorry.


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