Chapter Seven

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Katie couldn't bring herself to tell Evan what happened. He would freak out and put himself in harm's way if he discovered what Daves and his friends did to her. Even though it was nighttime now, she was still sick thinking about it. She clutched a pillow to her stomach and laid in bed. She heard the high-pitched ding of her phone receiving a message. She reached out to it and saw a number not saved in her phone. She wiped her face from the tears that had shed.

C: Hey. RU OK? -Christian

She released the breath she was evidently holding in. She saved the contact and started to respond.

K: I'll be okay. How are you?

It didn't take long for the ding to respond and another message to flash on the screen.

C: I've been better. I can't stop thinking about you

Her stomach sank. She was trying to come up with a polite response, but another message popped up.

C: I mean about what happened.

She took a relieved breath and started to type.

K: Thanks for stepping in. I know I was supposed to be helping. I guess I made it worse.

C: Those assholes will pay. You didn't do anything wrong.

K: I'm sorry they bother you.

C: They won't much longer.

Katie wasn't sure what he meant. She thought maybe he presumed they wouldn't because he took care of two of them when saving her, but she wasn't sure. She started typing up a message, asking him what he meant exactly, but she heard the ding before she could finish.

C: Will you wait for me tomorrow?

She erased what she had started typing and took a deep breath. Part of her was terrified to walk with him again, but then, she couldn't imagine what it felt like to be him.

K: Of course, :)

C: Can't wait to see you. Night.

She felt like she may be leading him on, but surely, she heard Daves say she has a boyfriend. It was nothing against Christian personally, but she and Evan were soulmates and she thought everyone knew that already. Of course, before the other day she never saw Christian before. She wondered if he was new, but was too embarrassed to ask just in case he wasn't. She didn't want to seem inconsiderate, like she never noticed him. Even if it was the truth.

She got up and turned off her light, but in the dark, she felt anxious. She reached for her phone and scrolled to Evan's number. She pushed call and held it up to her ear, covering herself with her blanket.

"Hey," he said. His voice was tired, but he didn't mention it. "Are you alright?"

"I'm feeling afraid tonight," she said. "My mom isn't home and." She froze. She didn't want to tell him about what happened. "I just had a rough day."

"Close your eyes," he whispered. She did as he said. "Take three deep breaths." He counted as she took them. "Make sure your phone is plugged in."

"It is," she replied.

"So is mine. I'll be here. I'll stay on the line with you. Okay?"

"Really?" She asked. Her heart warmed. Suddenly, everything didn't seem so small.

"Of course, baby," he whispered. "I love you. I'm here for you."

"I love you too."


She woke up to the alarm blaring next to her. She groaned and reached over and turned it off. She noticed her charger cord leading to the bed. She remembered that Evan had been on the phone. She found her phone under the blanket and saw the call time still racking up. She put it up to her ear.

"Hello?" She called out.

"Ah!" She heard him yell and she could hear a few things tumble. She heard the crackling noise of someone picking up the phone. "Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep okay?"

"You really did stay on the phone?" She asked, laughing.

"Of course, I did. Now go get ready so I can kiss that cute face of yours."

"Okay," she said laughing. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said.

She clicked the button to end the call and felt her smile grow. It didn't matter that they had been together for over three years already, the butterflies still fluttered inside of her. She spun in a circle and walked over to her closet. She picked up a skirt, but instantly set it back down. She opted for jeans and a black t shirt.

She grabbed her bag and rushed down the stairs. She stopped when she saw her mom in the kitchen. Her heart jumped. She wasn't used to seeing anyone in the house. Katie stepped towards her.

"Mom?" She said, almost in disbelief that she was here.

"What is it, Katie?" she called back.

It was the first time she heard her mom say her name in months. Her stomach swirled.

"Nothing. I'm just going to school."


That was the conversation. Her mother walked out of the kitchen and that was the extent of the entire conversation they had. The first one they had in months. She wasn't sure how it made her felt. Part of her felt bubbly, excited and happy while the rest was disappointed. Sure, it was a conversation, but it wasn't a good one. Katie walked out to her car and put her bag inside and drove to school.


After English her stomach felt sick, but she still waited. Christian came over and smiled. He glanced over her and she looked away.

"Are you dressing like that because of them?" He asked, causing her to shift.

"Dressing like what?" She asked, trying to play it off.

"It's just you looked nice in the skirt."

"Thanks," she said, holding onto her bag strap tightly.

They hurriedly walked to class, successful in avoiding Daves and his friends. He stopped outside his door.

"Katie," he said, his tone soft.


"Thanks." He walked into the classroom without saying another word.

She took a deep breath and walked into her own. Thankful that she made it through this first part of her day.

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