Chapter Twenty Six: Wedding Rehearsal

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Chapter Twenty Six: Wedding Rehearsal

"You look stunning." Danny says when I emerge from my bedroom the night before the wedding.

"Thanks." I say nervously, looking down at my white's simple with spaghetti straps and a scoop neckline. I have this thing in on my breasts that stick to them and climb together. It's like a bra but it doesn't wrap around you. My panties are beige and so are my heels.

Abby has a blue dress on and her hair is curled like mine. Danny had a simple white button down and black dress pants on.

"So do you. I love the way those shirts look on your arm." I say, pointing to the material straining against his skin.

"Alright, are we going?" Beatrice asks, smoothing out her sons shirt. "You should have ironed this."

"I did iron it." Danny mutters.

"Whatever, we have to go." I say, ushering everyone toward the door.

Tonight we have two different hotels in Boca Raton where the wedding is tomorrow afternoon. I'm in one with the bridesmaids and my maid of honor and Danny's in one with the groomsmen and his best man.

After the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner, I won't see Danny until I'm walking down the aisle.

We have a three and a half hour drive though, so we all pile into Caleb's truck. Everyone else got hotels or flew out. A lot of the guests are sharing hotel rooms with other people. I know Abby is staying with her parents tonight and tomorrow.

It was agreed months ago that Abby would get my apartment but she sold it and she's staying with Grandma and Grandpa until she can find a place in Wilmington. According to Danny, the lake house is completely finished and we're going there after our honeymoon. Danny and I originally agreed on going to Maine, but now we're saying screw it and we're going to Aruba.

I bought four morning after pills just in case but I forgot condoms.

I forgot fucking condoms. Oh god. I press my hand against my forehead.

"What?" Abby asks. "Did you leave something?"

"I-no, I didn't leave anything."

"Then why do you look so panicked?" Danny asks.

"I'm fine." I say.

He can go in raw the first time. I mean, it should feel just as good for him as it should for me, right?

What if I don't get wet enough? I might need to buy lube.

I'm not being the one to buy it. He's going to be my husband in less than twenty four hours. He can buy it.

I sigh, shifting awkwardly in the middle.

Pepper was picked up by Aunt Vickie and Uncle Jerry on their way to Boca Raton and then he's going home with Beatrice and Caleb and Abby, and then Abby is taking him back to Georgia until we get home from Aruba.

"Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" Caleb asks. "Because from Boca Raton you go to Miami for your flight, right?"

"Yes, I'm sure I didn't forget anything." I say.

I can't believe I forgot to buy condoms.

What if Danny bought condoms?

"And I'm assuming you guys have all the things you need for tomorrow night, right?" Beatrice asks. "You know, condoms, lube...things you've never had to use before since you're both virgins."

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