When you have the hiccups...

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Liam:  The hiccups continue as you two watch Toy Story. He turns to you with his lips in a fine line, "You're interrupting it during the best part! Sid was about to get freaked out by the toys!" You laugh at his child-like whining and say, "I'm sorry, Li, I don't know why they won't go away." He turns off the television, smiles at you and says, "I can quote that movie backwards and forwards. Anyways, I'd much rather spend my time with you, love." You two talk about little things in life and catch up and by the end of the night, your hiccups are long gone.

Louis: "Boo!" He shouts, popping up from behind the couch. You roll your eyes and say, "Lou, the seventh time you jump from behind the couch isn't nearly as scary as the first." Another hiccup escapes your lips and a groan follows soon after. "Fine," Lou says, "I'm going to take a shower." He stalks to the back of the flat in defeat and you laugh, but a hiccup interrupts you. "Gah!" You exclaim, pounding your fists on the cushions. "Boo," a soft whisper comes from beside your ear. In fright, you turn and slap the air, making contact with skin. By the time you're done ranting to your juvenile boyfriend, you realize your hiccups were cured by his scaring. You apologize for overreacting and he hugs you saying, "Glad I could help, babe." 

Zayn: You're at his place and Tracie needed a night to herself, so she dropped off Zayn's sisters. After dinner you catch a case of the hiccups and the girls try so hard to scare them away. "Nothing is going to work, loves," you say and their heads hand in disappointment. Suddenly, Walihya's eyes go wide and she tries to stutter out your name. You find it convenient that Safaa had just 'gone to the restroom' moments ago. You roll your eyes and say, "Girls, this isn't going to work..." Just to humor them, you turn around to see someone in a gory goblin mask standing behind you, breathing down your neck. You shriek and jump practically ten feet in the air. Zayn takes off the mask and you punch him in the arm playfully. He feigns hurt and you poke out your tongue at him, even though you're thanking him silently because your hiccups have disappeared.

Niall: Another hiccup escapes your mouth and Niall laughs at the cute noise you make when you do. You cross your eyes in frustration, mad at yourself for eating your lunch too fast. He laughs once more and another hiccup comes from your lips, making him practically go into hysterics. "Niall," *hiccup* "this," *hiccup* "is not," *hiccup* "funny!" *hiccup*. Your bottom lip sticks out and you sit down in a chair in the living room. "I happen to think it's pretty hilarious." He says, sitting criss-cross in front of you with his hands on your knees. You make a pouty face but a hiccup distorts it and you just sink into the seat with a flustered expression. You two start talking about what you're going to do over the weekend and you find that within the next ten minutes, the hiccups are gone.

Harry: You two are lying in bed and suddenly you start to hiccup. Harry's eyes peel open and he says, "I'll get you a glass of water." He starts to sit up and you kiss him quickly before a hiccup can make it awkward. "Just stay here, love," as you get out of bed another hiccup sounds. You groan and hurry into the kitchen because you're getting cold in your shorts and Harry's band tee. As you start to drink the water, you hiccup and end up spitting water all over yourself. You clean up and start pacing through the house. When you turn around one time, Harry is standing right behind you and you screech, but cover your mouth soon afterwards. "Oh my gosh, Harry, that scared me so bad." He chuckles and says, "When I heard the commotion in here, I figured you might need my help." A few moments pass and your face twists into satisfaction. "You've helped enough already." 

One Direction Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें