Group Date...

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Harry: He slips his arm around your waist as he sees the waiter is still looking at you, even though he’s taking Lou’s drink order. “Excuse me?” Lou says with an annoyed voice. “I’m over here.” The waiter snaps out of it, takes the drink orders and Harry kisses your temple. Twenty minutes later the food is out and you’re all tasting food from each other’s plates. “Lou, can I get some of that steak?” Niall asks, poking his fork at Louis’ food. You spear some of Harry’s Cajun chicken pasta and as you swallow he flashes you an indignant look. You purse your lips and say, “What’s yours is mine, right?” You wink and steal another bite.

Liam: “Whoo hoo!” Niall and Louis yell collectively as they run into the beach water. Harry and Zayn are acting like toddlers as they jump over the waves as they lap onto the shore. Liam bends over you, salty water dripping from his curly hair. “C’mon, babe,” he whispers, leaning down next to your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe, sending a shock through you. “No,” you reply, burying your head in your towel. Suddenly he picks your up, drenching your side and within seconds he’s got you in the water and the two of you are playing around.

Louis: “Whoa! He’s really heavy!” Lou exclaims as he reels in his line. Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry are leaning over the side of the boat, waiting for the big reveal. “Go baby, go!” you shout encouragingly. After a few agonizing minutes of fighting back and forth Louis’ line shoots out of the water and a small thud sounds against the floor of the boat. There, about three feet away from your feet is a crab with a small piece of a hotdog hanging out of its mouth. You jump up onto the seats on the other side of the boat and a few seconds later you hear a screech of pain come from Louis. When you cautiously walk around to them, you see Harry struggling to pull the crab off of Louis’ thumb.

Niall: You guys stopped in Disney World while you were in Florida on tour, and Niall is dragging you around to every ride. First it was the Haunted House, then it was the Rockin’ Rollercoaster, and then to Toy Story Mania. When he sees Space Mountain, his eyes bulge twice their normal size. You bite your lip to keep from laughing as he turns to you with his wide, bright blue eyes. He barely opens his mouth before you can say, “Don’t even. Just walk.” His lips break into a grin, showing off his pearly whites.

Zayn: His idea of a ‘group date’ is staying in the flats with the boys and watching films all night. Every now and then, out of the corner of your eyes, you can see Louis and Harry mimicking you and Zayn on the other couch. They’ll mock you by laying their heads on one another’s shoulders or making kissy faces at one another. You narrow your eyes at them and they stop, but whenever you turn your head, you can hear them snickering.

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