Moving in...

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Harry: “Ever since Alison moved out, it has been really lonely in my flat,” you complain. You’ve been staying at the apartment complex a few miles down the road from Harry, so since your roommate moved out you have been spending a lot of time at Harry’s. He squeezes your hand and says, “Well, why don’t you just move in with me?” You roll your eyes and reply, “You really want me here twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week?” He laughs and plants a sweet kiss on your lips prior to saying, “Wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Liam: “Mom lost her job and ever since dad died, she’s barely been able to hold the two of us up. Liam, she’s making me move back to the States with my grandma.” You can’t mask the hurt in your voice as you tell your boyfriend of seven months. He takes your hand and with a smile says, “Well, you’re welcome to come and stay with me. I know I can’t always be home, but it’s a place, right?” You hug him around the neck and can’t stop thanking him.

Louis: “Phew,” you mutter, wiping the imaginary sweat from your forehead. “That was a lot of work, huh, Lou?” He sits the last box down in the living room and accuses, “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I moved all the heavy stuff!” You lean forward and press your lips to his briefly and then pull him into a hug. You bat your eyelashes dramatically and say, “Thanks babe.” He pinches your cheeks and shakes his head, signaling his disproval.

Niall: “You make the best food, Princess,” Niall says before he kisses you. He’s gotten home early from the recording studio every night that week and he’s asked you to come and help him learn to make a new dish every night. “It’s just pasta, babe…” you trail, not wanting to really hurt his self-confidence. He rolls his eyes and says, “I’ve got the whole weekend off too.” When Niall winks, you know that he’s just asking for more gourmet meals. You lean forward and press your lips to his cheek and reply, “Of course. I’ve just got to tell Layne that I’ll be gone. Is it okay if I just stay over for the weekend?” He nods vigorously and says, “How about this…” He can tell he’s captured your attention, so he pauses dramatically before continuing, “You just tell Layne that you’ll be staying for a really long time. Why don’t you just move in with me, Princess?” Before you can say another word he comments, “No, not just for the food.”

Zayn: After two years of being together, you and Zayn have ended up with a lot of each other’s things. You’re bringing back a few of his jackets, sweat pants and a couple of shirts when he just picks up the box, puts it on the couch and kisses you. You pull back in wonderment, asking, “Zayn? What’re you doing, babe?” He smiles and says, “There is no need to exchange stuff again because I want you to bring all your stuff over here.” It takes a few moments before you realize what he’s asking. His amber eyes glisten and you understand that he isn’t joking. “Alright, but you’re helping me pack.”

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