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Harry: He picks up two bowling balls from the shelf and holds them up to his chest. You roll your eyes and ask, “Shouldn’t you have four?” He narrows his bright eyes at you and says, “Well, I’m not the Incredible Hulk, now am I?” You bite your lip to keep from laughing as he turns around, getting ready to bowl. He sticks out his butt dramatically, drawing attention from the lanes on both sides. He holds the bowling balls behind him, right on top of his bum. He turns around to you, winks and asks, “You liking what you seeing?” You roll your eyes and retort, “Just bowl, Styles.”

Liam: “Honey,” Liam says as you turn around with a scowl on your face and your bowling ball misses the last pin by a fraction of an inch. You throw your hands up in the air and he asks, “Do you want to go for me?” You poke out your bottom lip and shake your head. “I don’t want to ruin your strike streak.” He smiles and tugs you by your hips, “Let’s go.” You grudgingly pick up a bowling ball and Liam slides his palms down your arms and says, “Just do what I do, alright?” He brings your hand back and then pushes it forward and you release the bowling ball. It slowly rolls down the lane and you turn into Liam’s chest, afraid to mess up his almost perfect game. He kisses your forehead and whispers, “Look,” against your hair. When you look up, all the pins are knocked down.

Louis: “Babe!” you call, trying to get him to stop. He turns around and drops you a wink before he gets into a crouching position and waits for the boy in the lane next to him to get up and bowl. Right as the boy lines up to bowl, Louis throws his own bowling ball into the other guy’s lane. It bounces repeatedly off the bumpers and knocks down all the pins before the guy can even realize what happened. You see the timer has run out for your game, so you grab him by his ear, apologize to the group in the lane next to you and drag him out of the bowling alley.

Niall: “Niall!” you call, looking frantically around for your boyfriend. He has been gone for over ten minutes, making you bowl seven times in a row for the two of you. You blow your hair out of your eyes and bowl once more. When you turn around, he’s sitting at the table with a platter of nachos in front of him, munching away. “Niall James Horan, you had me worried sick!” You blubber on for a good two minutes before he sticks his hand in the air and asks, “Do you want a nacho?” You smile and reply, “I thought you’d never ask.”

Zayn: Your bowling game ended a half hour ago, but you’ve decided to spend a while in the arcade. First it was shooting down aliens – which he beat you at. Then it was basketball – which you beat him at. The tie breaker was a game of pool, which you’re both excellent at. It comes down to you both have knocked all the balls in and its only the eight ball. Zayn takes his shot and misses. You smirk and he mocks your face, making hand motions with it showing his frustration. You lean against the table and line up your pool stick with the eight ball. “Left corner pocket,” you call. You shoot the ball and the table shakes. You look up at Zayn and he’s got a forced innocent look in his chocolate brown eyes. You walk over to him and poke him in the chest. “That’s cheating, mister,” you say. He grabs your hips and kisses you. “This changes nothing,” you retort and he sticks out his bottom lip.

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