[19] Mr. Player Is A (The) Beast

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Dedicated to Faith786, for the awesome banner on the side! :D She made a couple more for me, but I decided to use this one :) Thanks a lot!


Chapter 19

"Uhm!" Mrs Radley, our English teacher cleared her throat to grab our attention. "Okay students, today I want to announce something. As you know, our school holds four plays a year. One by Freshman class, then sophomore, then juniors and finally seniors. Since the third quarter of the year is coming close, its time for the Junior class to hold the play. So I'm expecting all of the junior class to take part in it."

My eyes bulged in surprise. The yearly play? Damn! I'd forgotten about it. The whole school came to see it including the parents. The sophomores this year had performed 'The Macbeth'. I bet we would have to perform some complicated shakespeare shit too.

"Which drama are we performing?" One of the students asked. I focused on Mrs Radley. She was our thirty something teacher of english and she was pretty good. She was spunky and energetic and loved teaching us. So apparently I wasn't surprised when she told us what we were supposed to perform.

"Well, you all must be thinking that we'll be performing a difficult complicated drama. But no, we're performing a great work alright, but its not exactly a complicated drama. Its a fairytale"

The class started snickering.

"You think its funny? Well, its not. I have already prepaired a script and I want all of you taking part. We're performing the beauty and the beast and that's final!"

The class suddenly grew silent. The beauty and the beast? Seriously? Who would play the beast. Immidiately my eyes fell on Dylan. Yeah, he's the perfect beast. He's a beast alright!

"So who's up to play the lead? We'll decided the leads first. I've asked the other junior students too who take english with me and I have some names. I'll decided which student I'd like to choose."

A few hands shot up and it was no surprise to see Stacey's hand being one of them. She spoke up suddenly. "I'd love to play the role of the beauty. I mean who can play it better than me, huh? We need someone really pretty to be beauty and I'm perfect for it!" She chirped. While a few guys whistled and laughed, most of us couldn't help rolling our eyes. Typical Stacey for you right there!

"Hmm...actually that's a pretty good idea Stacey. I'll write down your name. As for the beast--" her eyes roamed across the class, jotting down the names of the other volunteers.

My hand NOT being one of them. Hah! Me and beauty? Puh-leez! Me being the tree sounds much better.

Suddenly Mrs Radley stopped writing, her eyes scrunched up in confusion. "Dylan, why aren't you trying out for the lead?" She asked.

"Uh..."he tried to make up some excuse, but mrs. Radley cut in.

"You have to try out at least! You'll be the perfect little beast!"

That came out sounding different then it should have and the whole class started laughing.

"Why aren't you raising your hand?" Kevin asked, turning to me.

"Me? You have got to be kidding me! I'll suck as beauty..."

"No you won't! Besides you're pretty, you can be beauty..."

"Right! I can be beauty and you the beast!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Actually...why not?"

I gasped, turning to him. "Tell me you're joking"

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