[36] Prove It Mr. Player

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A/N- Just so you know, I’ve changed the name of this story form good girl gone bad-thanks to Mr. Player to Love, Hate and Mr. Player. I was the one who actually came up with it, but thanks for your suggestion anyway! I’ll try dedicate you all a chapter each (I hope I can)

Anyway, read on—

Chapter 36

[Alex’s POV]

I don’t know how long we kissed, but the kiss was really amazing. This kiss was really different than any of the kisses I’d shared with Dylan. I don’t really know if it really was different or it seemed different to me because of the things he had just confessed.

He loved me. Is this even possible? I can’t believe this. This seems too good to be true. I cannot believe this at all. I mean this is Dylan Kennedy we’re talking about here, our very own Mr. Player. He doesn’t falls for anyone. He only knows how to break hearts. And it’s me—Alex Rogers we’re talking about here too. This seems too good to be true. Such things don’t happen to me. Then why is it happening now?

His lips moved urgently against mine, increasing the passion by a hundred fold. I couldn’t help moaning. His tongue licked my lips, asking for entry and I gave him. I parted my lips allowing his tongue to slide inside. An explosion of passion took place and I moaned again. His hands slid down my back, massaging it as it landed on my butt. I wrapped one of my legs partially around his waist and kissed him harder, not able to control myself.

 He pulled me closer to him. His lips shifted from mine and trailed down my neck. They travelled all the way down to my cleavage. He kept trailing my neck with kisses making me gasp and moan. I ran my fingers through his hair. He brought his lips back on mine and started kissing me back. He pulled me even closer, so that our chests were pressed tightly against each other. The kiss was getting really heated. We needed to stop. We were in school for god’s sake.

And so, I parted.

He was clearly surprised. “Why—“

“We’re in school Dylan. Besides it’s prohibited to come over at the rooftop. And on top of that we were kissing too…” I mumbled, turning scarlet.

He smirked. “Clearly, you were enjoying it” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Oh stop it you!” I smacked him across his toned chest.

“Ow!” He exclaimed.

I looked up into his eyes. The world seemed to freeze. His eyes were a beautiful mixture of sky blue (the kind of deep blue sky you see on a sunny day) and green (the beautiful slightly dark green you see on fresh leaves) He had on a spicy cologne which was making me dizzy and my breath was coming out in rapid pants thanks to the recent kissing.

“Come here” he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him once again. His eyes locked into mine and he kept gazing at me. I looked back into his eyes as well. The moment stretched on. And somehow time stood still. We kept gazing at each other. It wasn’t like those small instances which felt like hours. No, I knew for real that we both have been staring into our eyes for minutes now.

“What?” I asked, not removing my eyes from his.

“I’m just wondering how this happened” he said.

“Huh? What?” I asked back, confused.

“I’m wondering how in the world did you make me fall for you.” He said and then sighed. I would’ve thought he was just messing around, or teasing me. But he looked so serious; I couldn’t help but believe him.

Believe him…should I believe him?

My heart said that I should. But the rational part of me, my brain said that I should be hundred percent sure that he actually means each and every word he says before falling any deeper into him.

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