[37] Mr.Player Is Player No More

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Chapter 37

[Alex's POV]

"...and then we kissed" I said ecstatically.

"Oh wow! That is amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Tia gushed.

Tears of happiness threatened to fall. Was this even for real? Dylan Kennedy liked me. Me of all people! How was this even possible. He was a player. Players don't fall. They make others fall and crush their hearts. Why should things be any different now? Maybe he wants to get into my pants again.

Or maybe he really likes me.

He could. Maybe he really does. Surely all that he had said back there hadn't been an act after all. The way he had kissed me was full of passion. Maybe he really likes me. This thought made my heart do a three sixty degree turn and caused giant butterflies to flutter. Dylan likes me.

The question is--how much? Does he like me enough to leave his player ways and love me with all his heart. Could he really do that? Was this even possible? Maybe I should stop dreaming so much...

Suddenly the crowded school cafeteria went dead quiet. I and Tia stopped our conversation like everyone else, turning our heads around, wondering what the hell was going on.

And then my eyes fell on Dylan.

He made his way inside the room, the crowd parted like the red sea as his eyes raked across the room and stopped abruptly as it fell on me. He smiled his gorgeous, dazzling smile, making my knees go weak and my hurt to flutter. 

He didn't remove his gaze as he stopped in the center of the cafeteria. He was standing next to the A-lister's table. I expected him to sit down like he usually would. But I was in for a surprise.

He climbed onto the table. Everyone stared at him with interest, wondering what he was up to.

"Hey guys!" he said waving and smiling.

A couple of people actually replied back.

"So...I'm here to...um, announce something" he said. I went rigid. I suddenly felt dizzy and my head and stomach hurt. In short, I was nervous. What the hell was he up to?!

His eyes locked into mine and my breath stopped. He wasn't going to--

"I'm in love" he said casually.

I heard a couple of people gasp. Some hooted, others whistled and a few even clapped. All in all, many were surprised. After all, he was Mr.Player and players aren't supposed to fall in love.

"Who is it?!" someone shouted.

"Yeah, c'mon tell us!" another voice came.

He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"Me of course!" Stacey's annoyingly sickly sweet voice floated through the cafeteria as she made her way to the table Dylan was standing on, her stilettos clanking against the tiled floor. She was a picture of perfect beauty, her gorgeous blond hair seemed longer and really lustrous. Her clothes hugged her figure perfectly, and her make-up was perfect too. She was perfect. How could he love someone like me?

"Obviously, I'm the one he loves, since I'm his girlfriend" she said, flipping her blonde hair and smiling triumphantly. God! I just wanted to walk up to her and punch her square in the face. She such a--

I noticed Dylan running his fingers through his messy blonde-brown hair. He was clearly frustrated. No surprise there, it's Stacey we're talking about here.

"Actually no, Stacey. It's not you. So get over yourself" he said, sounding annoyed. My mouth dropped open in surprise. I'd never heard him talk like this to Stacey. The whole cafeteria went 'Ooooohh'. Stacey narrowed her eyes at him.

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