[24] Confessing To Mr. PLayer

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Dedicated to WritePerfectMemories for being an awesome and supportive fan! :D <3 xoxo

{Sorry for it being short}

Chapter 24

[Alex's POV]

I took in massive yoga fire breathes repeatedly. My hands clamped shut and open vigorously. My heart was beating erratically. Who knew confessing your feelings to the badass player was going to make me so nervous?

I took an uncertain step towards Dylan. He was busy opening his locker. His fingers were repeatedly running through his soft brown hair. He was alone. Guess I could just go and approach him.

Or not.

My head was screaming at me to just turn around and forget it. To kick this stupid idea out of my head. I mean there was no way in hell Dylan would ever...and I mean EVER share the feelings I have for him. It was a stupid impossibility. Why was I even wasting my time?

Oh yeah, because I'm insane.

I took another step towards him. The world was a blur, it was just him and me. Why was it so difficult?

Don't do this Alex. Just Don't! This isn't goign to turn out Good!

I continued walking ahead, ignore the warning screams in my head. I had to do it. I just had to do it. 

It was now or never.

"...Uh...Dylan?" my voice came out as a whisper. I wasn't sure if he even heard it. I brought out my hand uncertainly to touch his shoulder, but refrained.

I waited. He didn't turn. He probably didn't hear me.

"Dylan!" I said, a little louder this time. It seemed as if my heart was going to jump right out of my mouth (gross, I know!)

I waited, and this time he turned to look at me. Our gazes met, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Uh...I...can I talk to you?" I said, feeling nervous as hell. I felt more and more dizzy. My heart was thudding hard against my chest. I just wanted to turn around and bolt away.

"Sure!" Dylan replied instantly, his eyes sparkled slightly, making me go weak in the knees. He was so amazing...so perfect. He would never go for a girl like me.

"Uh...somewhere more...private?" I wasn't about to confess my feelings to Dylan in front of the whole school to see, especially if he was going to reject me, the probability of which was very high.

I think I was too lost into Dylan that I didn't notice the laughter and voices and soon enough I found myself surrounded.

"Yo man!"

"Hey dude!"

"Yo Dylan!"

"Hey Dylan!"

His friends surrounded us. They were the A-list crowd of our school. All of them rich, popular, and gorgeous. The kind of people Dylan considers worth his time. He'll never go for me.

I waited a couple of more minutes as they continued greeting each other. I felt so out of place. I felt like pullign my hair out. This was so frusterating!

"Dylan! Can we--"

"Oh, look who's here!" I heard on of the guys say.

Uh-oh. here goes... Can't I just turn invisible or something?

"What is she doing here?!" I heard another guy say.

"Who is she?!" a girl said.

I felt like banging my head against the lockers in front of me. 

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