Chapter 9

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Jacob walked into Sam and Emily's house feeling down. He had lost her. There was no getting her back. Jacob felt sick.

"What's going on Jake?" Paul teased as he kissed his imprint Sydney. "You look like you just imprinted."

"Cause I did." He whispered. This now had everyone's attention as the all stoped and stared at Jacob. "I imprinted on Baylee." He whispered.

Leah shot up from her chair and pinned Jacob against the wall. "No! You aren't hurting her again!" Leah screamed in his face. "Its bad enough that you didn't imprint on her before."

Jacob pushed Leah away from him. He has no idea what she was talking about. "What?"

Sam was shocked. "Baylee never told you?" He asked her. The look on Jacobs face said it all. "Baylee imprinted on you when she was fifteen, and had first phased. She always assumed that you had too."

Leah glared at him. "You are the reason why she doesn't believe in imprinting anymore."

"That's not true." Jacob spoke. "If Baylee didn't believe in imprinting anymore, she wouldn't have let Seth tell Sarah the truth."

"No. She let Seth tell Sarah the truth, because she is a good sister." Leah spoke. "You broke her."

"I didnt mean to. I thought I imprinted on Nessie." Jacob growled. "If Baylee imprinted on me, why did it take so long for me to imprint on her?"

Sam spoke up. "I have a theory. Ive done research on this." He said. "Baylee imprinted on you. You loved her, and you were supposed to imprint on her. But Bella came along and started messing around with you and Baylee, causing a distraction to you. Although you never did anything with Bella, it was still a distraction. Then Nessie came along, and you forced an imprint bond."

Jacob looked at her. "And how could I force myself to imprint on her?"

"I don't know the answer to that." Sam said. "But Baylee is engaged to another man. Even though you are her true love, she is forcing herself to not love you any more. If you want to stay with Baylee, then you need to redeem yourself." Sam said.

"I never really cheated though. I never slept with Renesmee. I kissed her, but never did I actually have sex." Jake said.

Leah snorted. She was still made that Jacob had broke her best friends heart, and now wanted her back. "Baylee doesn't know that. She caught you kissing Renesmee, and assumed that you were sleeping around."

Jacob sighed. "I screwed up big time."

Leah stood up again, a scowl plastered to her face. "Damn right you did. And if you want her to stay her, then you need to prove to her that you are better than some stupid heart surgeon."

Jacob knew that Leah was right.  He needed to fight for his girl. Right then Charlie Swan called, telling him he needed to come pick Baylee up.

Baylee sat at the bar drinking her pain away. She had ditched her engagement ring at home. It was easier to have guys buy her drinks when they didn't know she had a man at home. It also didn't help that Baylee was questioning everything.

Did she really love Peter? She had almost kissed Jacob, and she knew that once she kissed Jacob she wouldn't stop. He was her imprint as much as she hated to admit it. Jacob also was her first love, and the father of her baby. She would always love him. And not just because she had imprinted on him all those years ago.

A man came over and sat next to Baylee, resting his end on her inner upper thigh. He whispered in her ear sudectivly. "How about I order you a sex on the beach, and then we go have sex on the beach."

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