Chapter 15

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Peter stared at Jake. He couldn't get over how attractive Jake was, and he was worried that Baylee hadn't been faithful to him. "Is Baylee Newman here? My fianceé?" Peter asked again.

Baylee came around the corner. Making sure her sweatshirt was covering the red marks that Jake so graciously left on her neck. "Peter?" Baylee asked when she came into view. "What are you doing here?"

Peter looked at Baylee and smiled. "I came to get you."

Baylee stood there in shock. She didn't know how to react.

"Go get your things." Then Peter paused. "On second thought, we don't have time. Lets go."

Baylee sighed quietly. She then nodded her head, afraid that her voice would fail her. Finally Baylee found her voice. "Give me a second." She whispered. "I need a second to say goodbye."

Peter nodded curtly. Then walked to his black BMW.

"So I guess this is goodbye then." Jake whispered to Baylee.

Baylee tried to fight back the tears. "No. You are coming to my wedding." They both knew that it was a lie, but they didn't want to say it. "I don't like goodbyes. Lets just say see ya later." Baylee said again.

"I hope you have a long and happy life together." Jake then grabs the manilla folder. "Don't worry. I signed everything. The divorce is final. Sorry that I was such a jerk and refused to sign it all these years."

Baylee sighed. Still trying to hold back the tears that didn't seem to go away. "Well I'm glad you didn't sign the papers. It gave me a chance to come home."

With one last hug, Baylee left Jake standing on the porch. She left her home, and her true love. And she never once looked back. Because she knew that if she did, then she would crumble.


"I've been trying to get a hold of you. Why havent you answered your phone?" Peter asked only to break the awkward silence that had formed between them.

Baylee still refused to look at him. "My phone broke." She lied. "I haven't had time to go get a new one."

Peter seemed to believe this little lie. As he just nodded. "Makes since in a town like this." He mumbled.

It took Baylee everything in her not to explode. This was her home. This would always be her home.

"I got your wedding dress." Peter said. "And I have the chapel booked for next week." Peter said to her.

Baylee sighed, and she thought that she would be the one planning her wedding but it looked like Peter had that all taken care of. She didn't say anything, scared that every thought she was having would come rushing out.

They were silent the whole way to the airport. Baylee was hating herself for going with Peter. She didn't get to say goodbye to Sarah, or anyone in the pack. And she wasnt able to be with Jake.

"Just think." Peter whispered in Baylee's ear as they stood in line to go through airport security. "By this time next week you will be my wife. You are my whole life."

Baylee just smiled at Peter. She then turned away from him, because she didn't want him to see the tears gathering in her eyes.

Goobye Jake. Goodbye La Push. Goodbye Sarah. Goodbye Pack. Goodbye true love. Goodbye happiness.

Baylee took her seat by the window in the first class section, Peter took his seat next to her. "Ok, lets get down to business." He said in a very business like tone. "We have a lot to do before the wedding next week."

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