Part Eleven

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❗️(Song above relates to the storyline and is actually listened to by Calvin. Plus it's really good.)❗️
Calvin sighed an angry sigh. Leo was allowed to screw any guy in town, yet Calvin couldn't even date his soulmate? Life was so unfair. Everyone in the class seemed to agree with him silently. They could seemingly sense his anger. Even his forever stoned classmate, Eric. Calvin tapped on his desk with the eraser of his pencil. He needed something to keep him busy- having no social life really frees up your calendar. Maybe a club of sorts? Was there any clubs he'd be interested in? He overheard someone talking about a French club, but that'd require talking, which is certainly not Calvin Lionheart's strong suit. He couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed- a mixture of both, he had decided. History had been as boring as ever and he just wanted to go home, maybe take out some of his anger. He liked writing long, dramatically angry texts but never sending them. It felt good, like he was letting his feelings fly freely without any consequences. Finally, history class was over. Now to go home quickly and without being noticed. When he got on the bus, he already had his earbuds in, listening to his designated sad playlist. A Joy Division song was up first, and Ian Curtis' haunting voice sent shivers down his spine. No one sat by him, thank God. He didn't want to talk to anyone for a while. The bus ride went calmly and relatively boringly. When he got off at his bus stop and walked through his front door, his sister was at the dinner table, apparently working on a school project. No snide remarks or jokes today- she was focused. Calvin walked swiftly past her and up to his room. He crawled onto his bed, and laid there for a moment, until he started crying. He didn't know why, or care, honestly. He just sobbed quietly for a while. Alone. He was always alone.
Leo felt the urge to text Calvin- he wasn't supposed to, but he was 90% sure he hadn't been blocked. In class, Calvin had returned to his quiet self. This time, however, he was always on edge and seemed to be bottling up so many emotions. Leo wanted to help, he truly did, except Calvin's parents didn't want them talking at all until this 'gay phase' was done. Why did this have to happen to Calvin? He was so sweet, and kind, and funny, and deserved so much better. Leo decided he would text him. 'Hey.' He texted. That would be enough. For a while, Calvin didn't respond. 'Hi..' he finally replied. Leo responded almost immediately and tried to start a conversation, but Calvin didn't seem to want to cooperate. The redhead figured that he had tried. He was too tired to do anything else, so he slowly drifted off into slumber. When he woke up seven hours later, his phone was flooded with messages. All from Calvin. They ranged from apologies to asking for advice. Leo tried to answer them one by one, but it was two in the morning so none of the responses were very good. Calvin was still up, somehow, and his replies were just as shittily written as Leo's were. Calvin asked to call, but Leo told him he had very thin walls. Disappointed, Calvin stopped texting for the night. His eyelids were too heavy to do anything but listen to music anyway. He slowly fell asleep listening to New Order, his school clothes still on.
Leo walked into school that day, extremely anxiously. He was finally going to tell Calvin everything- the hookup with Jean, the sadness and loneliness, the several hookups with other guys. Leo had been a busy man those past few weeks. As he got all of his supplies for his next class, Calvin appeared beside his locker door.
"You wanted to talk?" He said quietly, leaning against the door. Leo nodded.
"I've been thinking, and I know who I want to spend my life with. It's you, Calvin. I may sound crazy, but I really, really, really like you. However, I've made some mistakes. I've slept with Jean, which you probably already knew, but that's not all. I've slept with four other guys besides him. I didn't even know that many gay guys were at our school. Do I regret it? Yes. Am I sorry? Yes. Will you take me back? I don't know, but I truly hope so." Calvin was a bit weirded out by the first part of the monologue, but the second part comforted him. Honesty was a greatly valued thing in his family. He considered the redhead's proposal. His parents would kill him, surely, but that was if he took Leo back. He finally decided after some stressful thinking.
"No." He responded eventually, then walked away. Leo hadn't been expecting that. The scene he was picturing was more Disney-esque.
Leo was upset- it couldn't end like this. Except it seemed like it would. He tried talking to Calvin during class, but nothing worked. Even in the gym locker room, nothing happened. The day was horribly depressing for both of them. When Leo got home, he just kinda went to his room without any second thought. He took a quick nap then watched Netflix for a few hours when he received a text from Calvin. 'Call me ASAP.' It read. Leo called him immediately.
"What's up?" The redhead asked, scratching his head. Leo could hear Calvin softly sobbing on the other line. "Are you okay?" No quick response.
"Leo, I'm m-moving." Leo's eyes widened. How fucking convenient of his 'soulmate' to leave so suddenly.
"To where?" The redhead squeaked, about to cry as well. Calvin was full on crying now and could barely manage English coming out of his mouth.
"My d-dad found a better j-job in Washington D.C, and we have to move with h-him." He stuttered, tears streaming down his face and landing on his jacket. The two were silent for a moment, excluding sniffles and tears. "I'm going to miss you, you know that, Leo? Although I said no to your offer, I really like you too. I guess something in my gut told me something would change. Now everything is changing. Goodbye, Leo. We'll keep in touch. Also.. I love you." And with that, he hung up. Leo didn't really know how to respond.
"I love you." He repeated softly, feeling as if Calvin had been saying what he had been feeling this entire time. Those past few weeks had been the best, and the worst of Leo's young life. He hadn't feel alone, or alienated. Now, it was him and Calvin against the world. Only him and Calvin.

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