Extra AF

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Dedicated to my newest followers.....

My squad getting thick 😆


If there was one thing Jason was good at, it was air hockey. Kyle always tried his best but it was never enough. After a half hour of getting a his ass handed to him he finally gave up and agreed to move on to ping pong. Here at least, they were both neck and neck.

-God I have missed this. Jason said.

-Oh really? wouldn't have noticed since you went MIA on me. You just freaking disappeared didn't even leave a note or some shit.

Damn where the sudden hostility come from?  Tell us how you really feel Mr. Kyle. What got his panties in a bunch? Well let's find out! I smell some drama brewing.

-I didn't go MIA on you!

-uh yeah bro you did! You freaking abandoned me without a explanation.

Jason was confused he didn't understand what Kyle was saying. If the look on Kyle's face told him anything was that this time at least he was in fact being serious.

-Abandoned? What the hell you talking about?   

-dude what the hell? You left without saying shit to me! When I got back to school you was just gone and you left? I thought I was your best friend and you couldn't even let me know you was going to another school and could have at least said goodbye or some shit!

*cue the music*

Where'd you go
you stupid ho
It's like it's been fo eva
Seen you been gone
I need ma ho

Kyle practically yelled at Jason before taking a whack at the ping pong ball. It almost hit Jason on the forehead, had he not ducked in time. 

-whoa! Calm down dude!  What the hell are you on about? It's not my fault they closed the school and I had to transfer to Vernon!

-closed the school? Bro St. Rachel isn't closed I still go there! Why the hell you think the school closed?!

Jason was shocked into silence. He didn't understand because he had been told by his father that the school had shut and he had to go to a different one at the beginning of the school year. This whole time he had believed in a lie. But why? Why would he resort to this just to get him to go to a different school. St. Rachel wasn't the best school out there but he wouldn't have ever left his best friend behind like that.

-My dad had said that the school board decided to close it over the summer and that he had me admitted at Vernon thanks to a connection. Why would he lie to me?

-wow your old man did all that just to get you away from me? Talk about extra. Oh shit my phone is vibrating someone must be calling...

Kyle grabs his cell phone pretending to be getting a incoming call, unbeknownst to Jason.

-oh hello Mario Lopez how are you!.... I'm great thanks....... yes I'll tell him bye!!.....
He fake hangs up and then turns to Jason.

-that was Mario Lopez! Guess what he wants to offer your dad a Job on his show EXTRA! with his extra ass!

-oh fuck you hahaha!

-I'm down! That's probably why he took you away from me. He knew I would ruin you!

Jason had to admit he missed Kyle's little antics.

-Come on let's go grab a bite I'm hungry! Kyle said as he playfully smacked Jason on his butt.
-uuuuuu! Your ass feels a lot harder than I remember. You been working out or something?

-Yeah something like that.
Jason answered while blushing and thinking, If only he knew. He was definitely going to be ruined pretty soon, at least, he hoped.

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