Chapter 4 - "Dream"

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The dragon that brings about earth-shattering calamities. I've heard stories about its existence. The cursed dragon that possesses the power to decide the fate of the world, it was depicted as a black dragon whose scales were so impenetrable, only the highest form of god-tier magic can hope to get past through its skin. And with black wings that reflect the darkness of the abyss, it can create hurricanes of a global scale with just one flap. A tail that ends in a blade and is sharp enough to cut through the hardest of diamonds. The catalysts of disasters. The one the ancients called the "Great Demonic End Dragon"!

It's right in front of me. The dragon said to bring about the end of the world. A being of such power is right in front of me. I've never felt this overwhelmed my whole life. It changed the land masses just by moving around. It even has a taste for humans. Oh no, I'm going to be eaten. I'm going to die. I won't get to see my family anymore. This is it for me. Goodbye mother, I won't be able to wear the wedding dress you gave me. It's going eat me. Farewell father, I'm sorry we won't be able to play board games anymore. It's looking at me. Darius, if only we had our marriage sooner. I wanted to share my first kiss with you. This is my end. I closed my eyes, hoping it would be painless.

I felt a force. It was so powerful, I got blasted away whilst my eyes closed. I opened my eyes seconds later to see that the dragon is already miles from the sky and is flying northwest at a tremendous speed, slowly disappearing out of sight. Did that really just happened? I've been spared? Why didn't it eat me? I'm still alive?! As confusion and relief greets me with open arms, I pass out from all the events that underwent. I... didn't die.


Flying felt nice at first. But, the feeling of something nice and the experience and memory of something gruesome don't exactly mix well. My thoughts race through my mind as if something is weighing me down. My body feels heavy. I feel more tired than usual.I think I'm slowly getting noxious. I need to find a place to rest soon.

Looking down from the sky, it seems I'm now in a barren land with nothing but rocks and stone pillars on sight. Perfect. Hopefully, there are no humans in the vicinity. I land down the lifeless soil. There really is no form of life here. Then, I felt something move under my feet. Is the ground shifting? There it was again, only this time, it felt more like wriggling than moving. "Mmmffhphfff......!!" Hmm? Did I hear something from my feet? I spread my wings and flew lifted off from the ground, not too high though, just a meter. And from where I once stood, I saw a small black dragon whose face was stuck on the ground?!

"Bwaah...! What's your problem?! You pickin' a fight, or something?! Suddenly squishing a fledgling like that, what kind of dragon are you?!" and so that tiny dragon says.

".......... The kind that hates annoying children." I replied.

"Huh?! What'd you say?!! Wait 'til my wings grow up. Then, I'm gonna teach you a lesson, you wish you were never born!!"

This kid is getting on my nerves. Hang on, though. What's a dragon kid doing in the middle of a barren land?

"Hey, kid."

"Don't call me 'kid'! I have a proper name, and it's Draiz! So use it!"

"Okay then. Draiz? Was it? What are you doing out here in this deserted wasteland?"

"You mean 'my' deserted wasteland!"


"You wanna know what caused this place to be like this? I'll give you the answer! I did it! I destroyed all life in this place!" Draiz said with a big smile.

He seems really proud of it. Can such a small dragon actually cause that much destruction? I know I shouldn't really ask this when I've destroyed various biomes myself in an instant. I fly down at him, but, that just made him more anxious, and started shooting small fireballs at me. How cute. I landed safely without a single burn mark.

""Wha-What do you want?! If you've come to claim your territory, then forget about it! This place already belongs to me!"

I put my head closer so I can look at him eye to eye "Say... were you really the one who caused this much destruction?" He got more tensed.

"Of... of course I did! I mean... I'm the only one you see here, right? Then, it's obvious that it was me."

I stared at him. Glared at him. "You're lying."

"Ho-... how can you say that for certain?! Y-You don't have any proof!" Draiz said nervously.

"By looking at someone straight in the eye, you can tell that someone is lying or rather, hiding a ton of stuff, when their pupils shrink." Though, a dragon's pupil is much more easier to spot, seeing as how they're larger than that of an average human's pupil.

"Y-you're right..." Draiz confessed.

"Ehh?" He submitted so easily. Did I intimidate him too much?

"It wasn't me who destroyed this land. It was my brother. But, just you wait and see! I'll grow up to be as big and powerful as my brother someday, soon! And when that happens, I'll have you work under me for the rest of your remaining days! But until then, I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal!"

How imprudent. But, 'I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal!' he says. I see. So that's it, then. After hearing those words, I feel like some huge weight on my shoulders just got lifted off, or something. My body feels lighter now. I've decided.

"If that's what you want, then, I won't stop you from your dreams. Because I've got a dream, too."

That's right. It was so simple, I just temporarily forgot about it for a while, until now that is.

"A dream? What's yours dream, then?" Draiz asked.

"It's simple. I've already made up my mind. I'll find a place for me to stay, and there I'll... sleep."

Our MC has his sights set on sleep, but will everything work out in the end?

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