More Extras - "Chapter 12.5"

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On the top of  Mount Everlast...

"Arufaz... I love you."

"Wha-...?! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!!" Draiz shouted.

"I just said what was in my heart. Is that not allowed?"

"O-of course it's not! There's no way that Arufaz would love back someone like you! Arufaz! You tell her!"


"Yes, my love?"



"You are terrible at lying..."

"What?! Lying?! This human was just lying all along?!"

"Am I, though? What would prove your point that I am lying to you?"



"Your... right fingers are crossed behind your back."

"What? How did you know?"

It was so obvious, though. But, I feel like I shouldn't tell her. "Come on, Draiz... Let's start your training..."


On a ledge at Mount Everlast overlooking the horizon...

"Arufaz... how would you like for a drink? I made it myself."

"No, thanks... I'm sleepy... not thirsty..... zzz's"

"Not even a sip? You are  such a horrid person."

"Well, sorry for you lady, but I'm a dragon..."

"True. But, you think rationally like a human. Which sometimes make me wonder, are really even a dragon?"

Then, Draiz woke up all of a sudden. "O-of course he is! There is no way Arufaz would be one of you inferior humans! Right, Arufaz?"

"Draiz..." I said, sounding squeaky.


"Get off my nose..."

"Huh? Aah! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I-...! I-..!!"

"You'll get punished, right?" Mara intervened.

"What?! Arufaz!!" Draiz was pleading.



"Go back to sleep... zzz....."


Mara chuckled. "My, how lenient of him."

"Arufaz... I... alright, then! You want me to sleep? I'll sleep, then!"

"Shame... I really wanted to see what would happen if you got poisoned."


Near the cloud-lines of Mount Everlast...

"Come on, Draiz... at least try to balance yourself..."

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one learning how to fly, here!"

"If I flew, I might accidentally blow you away with each flap of my wings..."

"Not might. You'll definitely blow him away?"

"Shut up, human! I-... AAAHH!!!!"

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