Chapter 5 - "Adventurers"

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Somewhere in a forest, a group of adventurers are chasing a rogue sorcerer as per request from their mission that they accepted in an adventurer's guild.

"Insolent young ones. You have no idea how impure this world is. It must be rewritten anew!" a man wearing a thick red cloak said, hiding his face under a hood.

"Says the man who was going to summon the dead and devastate the town. Like seriously, who would come up with a sick idea of turning a village into an undead town for the sake of rewriting the world?! You make me sick. Knowledge is... not something to be used blindly like that!" a young man with glasses wearing a white coat and carrying two blades said.

*evil laugh* (cliché, I know...) "You are still too young to understand. Allow me to demonstrate to you the power of the underworld!" the cloaked man stops in the middle of a rocky terrain and stuck his staff down to the ground, then chants in a foreign tongue and an eerie green aura surrounds both the staff and the man causing the earth to shake and the air to shift.

"This is... a forbidden dark magic from the lost ancients that shouldn't be used under any circumstances. You're mad! Are you trying to succumb this world into a living hell?! You're opening a gate that directly connects to the underworld!"

"Indeed. And with their powers, I shall reset this world and bring forth a new era under my reign!" *evil laugh again* (cliché overload...)

The sky turned dark and thunder ravages from the clouds above.

"Behold! At the dawning of a new age! An age where I shall rule all as the superior being!"

Lightning then fell from the sky hitting the man, leaving behind a crispy carcass and a staff that became ash and got blown away by the wind.

"Huh? What just happened?" the guy with glasses asked to no one out of confusion.

"Arufaz! I think my lightning hit something."

"Huh? Oh look, it's a human."


Awkward silence took over.


"A dragon!"

"A human! Arufaz, it's a human!"

"Yes... yes, it's indeed a human. Umm... is that pile of ash there your friend?"

"Huh? Umm... uhh... no, he wasn't, but..."

"So, there's no problem, then. Let's go back Draiz. Your aim was miles off."

"But... but... Arufaz. Is it okay to just leave this human alone? He knows where we live already. We could get hunted!"

"Don't worry, kid. Stuff like that won't be a problem. You're an adventurer, aren't you?"

"Huh? Adventurer?"

The young man wearing glasses smiled.

"Yes. You're absolutely right. It won't be a problem at all. Unless the guild requests for a dragon nearby to be exterminated, there won't be any problems at all. So then, may I ask for your name, oh wise and benevolent dragon?"



"Telling you my name is a pain. You already heard Draiz say my name, so I don't really have to tell you anything."

"Huh? Ah. But that's...!"

"Strazz!" a blonde-haired woman wearing a white blouse with a black top on top of that, and a purple skirt from afar shouted. "Strazz, did you get him? Huh? Ah! Strazz! There are two dragons right in front of you! Get out of there!"

"To think that sorcerer can summon dragons too. Strazz, get out of the way!" another young man with a wild hair style, wearing a red sleeveless shirt and carrying a large flaming hammer said as he charged straight at me. "Take this, you beast!"

He battered me with his hammer, and flame came out of the other end, giving it a boost and making the impact even stronger, but, just like the knight I encountered before, I just stood there. Doing nothing. Letting him attack me freely. And like always, it did nothing.

"Stop it, everyone!" another girl with short white hair wearing a headband, a white shirt, a small purple cape, and a green skirt, and carrying a staff from the back of the group said. "Please, stop. Don't you see? That dragon... is the legendary 'Great Demonic End Dragon!'"

The group, along with Draiz, all agasped at the same time.

"Arufaz... you were a legend all along?"

I'm so sorry, Draiz. I couldn't tell you because... I didn't even know that I was! What the heck is a 'Great Demonic End Dragon' anyway? If it's a kind of dragon, then it's exaggeratedly long.

"To meet the legendary 'Great Demonic End Dragon'... I am... so happy that I was born." The white-coated man with glasses said as he cried. (Tears of joy, perhaps...?)

"Get a grip, Strazz. So then? What does this so called 'legend' want from us?" the hammer guy said.

"Nothing. I just want to go back to training this wimp here."

"Who're you calling a wimp?! I've grown a lot stronger under a month of your care. Stop treating me like a kid already."

It's true. Draiz has certainly grown a lot in the past month. He's almost the height of an average human now.

"So then... you won't do anything to us?" the hammer guy asked.

"He took your attacks head-on without fighting back. I think we can trust him. And besides, engaging a battle with the legendary dragon that's said to have the power to bring forth the end of the world wasn't what he came here to do." the short white-haired girl said. "It's best if we just walk this one out."

"I agree with Elze on this one. Let's go back to the guild and claim our reward already." the one with glasses said.

"Reward? Come to think of it, where's the sorcerer anyway?" the hammer guy said looking around.

"Over there." I said, pointing a claw to a pile of ash that was already in front of the group.

"Huh? Say what?!!"


Inside an adventurer's guild in the nearby town...

"Elze. Do you mind if we talk?"

"Umm... sure Strazz, I don't mind, but, what is it all about?"

"About that dragon we encountered before... what say we pay him a visit?"

After an encounter with a legend, the adventurers decide to meet our MC once again. Will this meeting mean something for the future of the story for our MC?

Look forward for the next chapter! "The Far East"

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