Moving on (Asking Alexandria)

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I hope you guys are liking my story so far and don't be afraid to leave a comment. I love reading what readers has to say about my story and please be nice, so onward with the story.

I sighed and I wishpered to Sam.

"I need to get you out of here before the walking corpses come."

I feel him nod his head against my chest still crying. I pick him up bridstyle and unfolded my wings. I went up in the air and Sam graped onto me tighter. When we got to the house I carefully clam back through the window. I lay Sam on the bed and put the cover over him after I got off his shoes. I put my hand on his head as he look at me with tears still coming out of his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'll be right back, ok"

Sam nodded his head I sighed as I stood up and walk to the window, I looked at him again to see his still starring at me. I smiled a little at him before I jumped out the window. I went back to the bodies and I put John on one of the stores roof so a walking corpse doesn't get to him.

I landed back on the ground and hurried to get all the guns and the ammo. I take off a backpack off one of the bodies and try to put all the guns and ammo. I was surprised when it all fit in, I quickly stood back up as I heard a noise. I put on the bag and fly to the roof John's on, I gentle picked him up.

I fly outside of town and when I found the perfect spot, I put John down. Tears started falling as I got out one of my knifes and stabed him in the head so he doesn't turn into a walking corpse. After I did that I waped my tears away and look up at the sky, it was some what in the evening.

'If I start digging his grave right now I'll get 1.) I'll get back to Sam tomorrow sometime. 2.) Sam will get hungry and start to worry about me. And 3.) I'll have to dig with my hands.'

I sighed.

'Man I need to quit sighing alot anyway I'll just dig with my hands and try to find they're car tomorrow to see what they have and find more food.'

I shake my head as my stomach starting to hurt from hungry I groaned and started the long dig.

(Sam's pov)

I watch as Colby leaves me here in the bed. I slowly stopped crying after a few hours and it got dark. I had to shut the window because it was getting colder and I looked through Colby's backpack that i found around the room, I got out some of his bigger clothes and open the door to the bathroom. I slipped out of mine clothes, I turned on the shower to see that the water works in the house.

I stepped in and quickly shower, when I got out, I put Colby's clothes on and I cleaned my wounds in the shower so I put makeshift bandages on them. I step on some wet clothes and I weirdly looked at the clothing on the floor, there was black liquid and blood on them. I shaked my head and wipe my foot. I carefully walk to the bed and lay down, I pulled the cover up to my chin. I lay there for sometime before darkness finally got to me.

(Coldy's pov )

"Shit, it's cold out here"

I wrap my arms around me, I just got done with John's grave and the sun started to come up.

'I thought digging his grave was going to take longer but it didn't.'

I looked at the cross I made as best as I can one more time. I opened my wings up and I jumped into the sky. I looked at my hands because they're drity and they hurt from digging. I looked for Sam car, when I landed I about fell over from not eating in days.

'Looks like I'm walking from here.'

I lift up my shirt to see my ribs started to poke out. I groaned and put back down my shirt, I look around the street until I found a food store. I walk to it and carefully open the front door, I walk around the store to only found a few cans of food and I put them with the guns.

'I'll look around the town to see if I can found some more clothes and food before winter hit us. We don't have time to find a better houes then the one I found and through the winter I'll have to leave the house to find food.'

I look up at the sky and watched as a little snow flake fall to the ground.

'Puls I have to fix the house so walking corpses can't get in and that we can have a fire in the house and not burn it down. So much to do and not a enough time.'

I stepped out of the store and started looking around the town.

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