Left to hurt part one

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**Trigger warning**; mentions of attempted suicide and vague descriptions of depression. Please don't read if any of these hurt you :(

"Just...one more minute," peter said to himself as the night breeze ruffled his brown curls.
He clutched the sides of the building as his legs dangled off into the empty abyss of reality.
She was gone,
Aunt may.

The last of his family was ripped from his life by a drunk driver.

It was all to fast, and peter hardly had time to process what had happened when it did. But, by some miracle, he could recall every detail from the scene in his mind. And since then, it has been on a permanent loop in his head slowly driving him insane.

Tears filled and blurred Peters vision, clenching his teeth so hold back the sob that threatened to break through.
Guilt burned like fire in his chest, tempting Peter to throw up over the edge of the building.

Peter stared emptily down at the small figures that walked with their families.
He was jealous by how calm they were, how at peace they were and by the fact that they were surrounded with love.
Peter no longer had that.
Blinking away the tears he laughed to himself, it was almost hilarious how his whole life could be taken away by the snap of a finger.

Soon Peter was laughing crazily, he threw his head back and laughed.
Tears streamed down his face and it seemed that he was always in need for air.

"Sir, your breathe has exilerated to a dangerous speed. Shall I inform Mr.Stark?"

Peters laughs slowly turned into sobs, he ripped of his mask and threw his head into his hands and cried.
A muffled

"Notifying Mr.Stark"

Was heard from the mask that was clenched in Peters hand.
Peter heaved with every sob, his body racking with the guilt, fear, and grief he had managed to seclude for hours since May's death.

"K-Karen, don't tell Mr.Stark"
Sobbed Peter, though the effort was pointless.

The mask was off and the deed was already done and Tony was expected to be at Peters location at any minute.
Peter quickly wiped away the stray tears and calmed himself, well not entirely but to the point where he wouldn't be sobbing in Tony's arms like a broken child.
God, tony.
Was he next?

Tony would take him as he own, he would attempt to raise him but like the others he would soon die. It was his fucking Parker luck, he couldn't let tony take him. His life wasn't more important than Ironman. Not more important than a billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist.

Peter pulled his backpack towards him and grabbed out a piece of paper and a pen,

He needed to make this quick. Tony was coming, he needed to do this now.

Writing down a quick note, Peter quickly changed into his street outfit and shoved the suit into the bag with some hesitation.

He was really going to do this.

He gently placed the note on the backpack and walked back over to the edge of the building.
The sight took his breath away, it was so high.

Peter had never been afraid of heights, he was merely scared of what he was going to use the height for.

Taking a deep breath Peter turned his back to the edge and placed the back of his heels on the very top of it.
One more breath, his heart pounded against his rib cage and every breath he took only seemed to upset Peter more.
He can not wimp out of doing this,

He needed to do this.

For Tony

With one great push Peter let himself fall backwards, tears spilled out of his eyes

just as the red and gold metal figure landed on the building top
Peter was already off the building.

The wind pushed past Peter, sending his loose curls into a frenzy.
The clothes on his body snapped crazily at the wind, and as the ground got closer and closer a figure jumped after him.
Peters eyes widened in fear when realizing who it was.

The iron suit came flying at him, its arms reaching out and grabbing him by the ankles and flying upwards just as Peter's knuckles scrapped the pavement below.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" Screeched Tony from inside his suit.
Peter remained silent,
"Are you fully aware that you could have died?!" Tony Screeched again,
Peter, once again, remained silent.
This only infuriated Tony,

"Answer me Peter!"
Peter dangled in the air as Tony flew back up to the building he was previously at.
Setting peter down a little harsher than he intended he waited for him to scramble back on his feet.
Tony noticed the note on the bag that was addressed to him, looking at the kid and back to the bag his features twisted in anger and... grief?
Peter had not spoke nor made eye contact with the man of iron since his metal hand clamped down on his ankle, ruining his plans.
Without a warning Tony grabbed both Peter and the bag and flew back to the head quarters, he wanted answers and he wanted them now.

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