What was that?

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The only warnings I got for you is Tony's cussing. Which doesn't get that bad.

Enjoy this short one!

Tony stood in the kitchen, stirring eggs around on a frying pan concentrating hard on not burning them so he could serve them to Peter before he left for school. He was positive he would eat it , even if he did manage to burn them, without complaint. But Tony is on his way to becoming a 5 start chef. No more petty mistakes like burning eggs.

And Peter doesn't deserve burnt eggs.

Tony slid the eggs onto a clean plate smoothly and slid it to the spot that peter usually sat at, only to be surprised with his absence.

Tony frowned to himself as he titled his head up to the ceiling.

"Hey FRIDAY, Where's spider-boy?"

"Peter is currently asleep in his bedroom sir,"

Tony sighed to himself, It was 7:00 and Peter needed to be out of the door at 7:15.

"Wake his ass up and tell him if he isn't out here in 10 he's leaving without his damn near perfect eggs."

"Already did so sir,"

Tony nodded to himself, sliding a fork and a couple of granola bars for peter to take with him to school.

Tony was in the middle of picking at something in his teeth when he heard the loud noise of something falling in the hallway.

Tony didn't even have enough time to peer around the corner before Peter came out of it, Backpack in hand and hair in a curly mess.

"Like the hair, did you cut it?"

Peter looked like a mess as he sat down on the bar stool in front of his eggs.

"My alarm didn't go off,"

Tony hummed, setting his elbows on the counter in front of the teen.

"What was that noise peter? In the hallway?"

Peter kept his eyes trained at his eggs as he shoveled the bites into his mouth.

"I dropped my shirt,"

Tony raised an eyebrow,

"That sounded a lot heavier,"

"That would make sense consider I was in the shirt,"

Tony huffed out a small laugh,

"As funny as that is, why did you have to make your answer so complicated. Just say you fucking tripped next time, damn."

Peter set down the fork on the perfectly cleaned plate, as he shoved the granola bars into his bag.

"Gotta keep your mind alive Mr.Stark."

Tony grabbed Peters plate off the table rolling his eyes slightly.

"Mr.Parker, My mind isn't as fast as it was back in the day. Im old now, can't you see the gray hairs?"

Peter smiled at his mentor, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and running his fingers through his hair in an awful attempt at controlling it.

"Couldn't miss them Mr.Stark,"

Tony gasped loudly, dropping the plate into the sink. He spun around on his heel and pointed a mean finger at Peter.

"Take that back shithead,"

Now Peter gasped, holding a hand over his heart dramatically.

"Did you just cuss in my Christian household,"

"This isn't even your damn house,"

Peter laughed, walking towards the elevator.

"You know by the amount of times I've been here it is pretty much my house."

Tony smiled fondly, watching as Peter pressed the button to leave.

"Yeah I know kid, bye."

Peter waved, a huge smile spread across his face. And as the elevator doors slid shut Tony couldn't shake off the longing for Peter to come back.

Tony wiped off the sink water from his hands and chucked the towel on the counter before heading down the familiar path that always seemed to lead to his lab.

I think a lot of these little short stories are gonna start popping up as fillers between bigger prompts because I've found so many funny quotes by Peter and Tony that I need to write.

So I hope you guys don't mind!

Until next time buddies

Edit: Damn guys, was the story really that bad?  Sorry :(

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