One thic bitch

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A saw this prompt on Instagram :) thought it had so much potential to be scrolled past

Tony walked into the living room, holding a cardboard box that was tapped shut.
Peter eyes the object carefully and Tony sat it on the counter top, while reaching into one of the many drawers.
Peter, putting down his homework turned over on the couch,
"Watcha got there?" He asked making himself heard,
Tony pulled out a pair of scissors and began cutting off the tap.
"Merchandise," he simply responded,
Peter nodded, but then faltered.
Tony looked up from the box and gave him a look.
"Well, yeah we all know you buy your own merch, but come on. You're usually more discrete about it. Pepper would bang your head in if she found you opening up more merch."
Tony chuckled a bit before returning back to opening the box.
"You are right about that peter-"
He ripped off the last of the tap and opened the box.
"But I have a feeling she'll like this," said Tony proudly as while pulling out a stuffed... IronMan plushie?
Peter tilted his head in confusion.
"I didn't know they sold those yet-"
"They don't," Tony cut in,
"But me being who I am, got this before they released it. They have a Spider-Man one too. Butttt the IronMan one was the disco ball in a dark room."
Finished Tony, fluffing the toy in his hands. Peter rolled his eyes at the metaphor.
"Can...I touch it?" Asked Peter slowly,
The thing looked so
Fluffy, so soft.
His head pounded with the longing to touch the toy.
Tony laughed,
"Calm down spidey, I can sense your impulse controls going out of whack from a mile away."
Peter blushed embarrassingly,
"But I still get to-"
"Yes Peter," groaned Tony playfully, throwing the toy across the room right into Peters hands.
Peter held the stuffed iron man plushie , staring right into its white eyes.
Giving it a couple squeezes
It was Indeed and soft and fluffy as it looked.
Tony gave him a smug look,
"Amazing right."
Peter put on the most blank face he could muster and looked at Tony dead in the eye.
Tony faltered a bit at the kids burning stare.
"What a thicc bitch-"
"Peter!" Tony lectured, cutting the boy off.
peter immediately broke into fits of laughter while Tony stomped over to Peter and snatched the toy from his hands.
"You better watch your mouth before your Aunt Hottie rips me a new one," Tony mumbled playfully as he returned to his spot by the counter tops.

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