"Sick as in awesome"

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Bruce fiddled with Peters puke bucket before handing it to him

"Ok. from now on, puke in this not on me."

Peter lifted his head slowly from the pillow, his face twisted in pain and guilt.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled looking so apologetic that Bruce couldn't help but forgive him on the spot.

"it's fine, but if you need to puke warn me, so I can pour you some medicine,"

Peter nodded his head numbly before flopping it back on the pillow,

"Where is Mr.Stark," he mumbled again,

Bruce glanced over at the kid, concern shining in his eyes.

"He's on a date with Pepper, didn't he tell you this morning?"

Peter laughed weakly,

"Oh yeah, "

Bruce just rolled his eyes. he eyed his phone that laid next to the medicine cabinet. he should really call Tony and tell him about Peter, because Bruce knows he would want him to. he loves Peter as if he was his own son, but Tony is busy and having fun. he didnt want to disrupt it. Bruce settles on calling him only if Peter got worse.

which turned out to be not so soon.

In the last thirty minutes, Peter has vomited six times, sending Bruce running back in fourth emptying his puke bucket and putting in IV in peter to hydrate the boy since he was puking all of it out. Peter had called out for Tony numerous times, making Bruce's stomach clench with guilt. it wasn't long before Bruce decided that the right answer was to call him.

"FRIDAY call Tony" The doctor said to the ceiling figuring that when Peter heard Tony's voice that it might take away some tension in his shoulders.

Tony answered on the third ring,

"What's up greenie?" Tony's voice carried through the room, Peter sat up at the noise,

Bruce however, pushed Peter back down.

"Peter's sick."

"Sick as in awesome," spoke a weak voice under Bruces hand.

Bruce directed the voice a nasty glare

"No, sick as in ill"

Bruce narrowed his eyes,

"You should actually get some sleep"

Peter quickly shook his head, when Bruce rose an eyebrow at peter did he explain

"Justice never sleeps Dr. Banner,"

Tony's voice crackled over the ceiling again,

"Did you give him soup, soup works"

Bruce rolled his eyes,

"No, I gave him medicine because believe it or not, i'm an actual doctor-"

another voice could be heard but couldn't be understood before Tony spoke again.

"Pepper says tea works,"

"He has medicine"

"What if medicine doesn't work? Ever thought about that?"

Bruce had to refrain from slamming his head on the metal table out of frustration.

"He just has an upset stomach"

Peter looked at Bruce with interest.

"Pepper says tea is good for upset stomachs"

"Hi Pepper!" yelled Peter, clearly not aware of how loud he needs to talk for the A.I to hear him. thankfully, FRIDAY lowered the volume for Tony.

there was some rustling before peppers voice boomed all over the room.

"Hi Peter!"

"I hope you're doing well!"

"I am actually- Tony!"

Tony's voice resumed on the phone.

"Ok, ok, why don't you want to go to sleep Peter?"

Bruce crossed his arms and looked at Peter expectantly.

"I don't want to," he simply said.

"He should be fine in a day or two with the medicine." Bruce said, checking his watch to see If Peter was due for another round of it,

"And tea," Tony cut in,

Peter smiled and Bruce sighed,

"And tea," he confirmed.

after a moment of nothing but Tony's annoyingly loud breathing Tony voice came up again, although this time, a tad worried.

"Should I come to the compound?"

Bruce took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, considering if he should just end the whole conversation since its proving to be going nowhere.

"No, as I said he should be fine soon,"

"Where are you Mr. Stark" Peter asked, sitting up, once again.

"Japan, I'm taking Pepper to go look at my new perfume."

both Bruce and Peter spook at the same time

"You have perfume?" and "You took Pepper to go look at your perfume as a date?"

"Kid, I have three. And for your information Brucie, Peppers loving the date."

Peppers voice could be heard disagreeing to Tony's statement.

"Oh my god, that is so cool," Peter replied in awe,

"You're sick for fucks sake go to bed kid."

Bruce threw his hands in the air,

"I'm hanging up Tony,"

and before Tony could reply Bruce had asked for FRIDAY to end the call.

he made his way back over to peter and pushed him back down into a laying position,

"Ok, time for you to get some rest. ill be back in an hour to give you more medicine."


"No buts, go to sleep"

and with that, Bruce left the room.

Not my best work, I felt rushed. I'm sorry. I'm about a quarter done with another prompt. Don't forget to star the chapter, and drop a prompt in the comments or direct messaging, I'm always open to new ideas!

Irondad and Spiderson One-shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin