The Storm

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I pull into the driveway of my home at 10:59. After getting out and walking inside, I listen to see if I can hear anything. I call out to let my father know I am home and I head towards the stairs to go up to my room. As I take the first step I am pulled back down by my hair and slammed on the floor landing on my arm and right hip. Damn that hurt.

"Where were you, you fucking liar?" He spits out. The stench of alcohol seeping from his pores.

"Riley's. I told you-" I am cut off by a kick to my stomach.

"Liar. I drove by there and your car wasn't there." He yells out. "Where were you little fucking whore?" He asks while delivering another blow to my stomach.

"We went to get ice cream." I wheeze out while trying to catch my breath.

"You were fucking around weren't you? Some boy was getting off inside of you wasn't he?" My dad knows I'm gay. He grabs me up by my hair and drags me to my feet. He is right in my face and the smell is threatening to knock me out. I hate the smell of alcohol, it turns my stomach.

"No dad I wasn't I don't even like guys." I whisper. His hand connects with the side of my face and my eyes begin to water. He throws me on the couch before falling down on me pinning my arms down. My father is 6'2" 230 pounds. I cant move him when he has my arms and legs down. Its been a while since he was this drunk and I am shaking in fear at what is to come. It's like he doesn't even know who I am and isn't hearing a word I am saying.

"You little slut. Wanna spread your legs for anyone that comes by. I will teach you a lesson." He says while ripping my shirt and tearing off my shorts. I squeeze my eyes closed and beg him to leave me alone. I try to push him off and it gets me hard punch to my left jaw. He never punches me in the face, leaves too many marks that are hard to lie away. "You want to be a fucking whore! I will treat you like one." He spits out as he does what no father should ever do to their daughter.

Once he is done, he gets up and fixes himself before leaving the house. He won't be back for a couple of days. He always stays away after he does this to me. I curl into a ball and hug myself as the hot tears flow, leaving a burning trail down my cheeks. I see my phone on the floor. I push myself off the couch and grab it dialing the familiar number.


"I need you."

She doesn't say anything she just hangs up and i know she will be here in a few minutes. I put my ripped shirt and shorts back on fall back on the couch and huddle into a ball. I don't hear her come in but I feel her hand on my cheek making me jump before i realize it's her.

"My god Bella what did he do to you?" She asks with tears in her eyes. I close my eyes and the tears race down my cheeks. She sits down beside me and I cuddle into her. After about an hour of me crying and Lee holding me, she suggest I get up and go take a hot bath to relax.

Once in the bathroom. Lee pulls my ripped clothes off and I am standing naked in front of her. There is no lust like their usually is when I change in front of her. This is pure and tender care for another person. When I step into the bath I hear Lee gasp and look up to see her tear filled eyes trained on my thighs where the bruises are already forming. Fuck. Thats the one thing she didn't know happens. I step back out of the tub and look at her. Her eyes never leave my thighs.

"Did he..." She says before getting choked up. She looks up at me and I look away from her. I can't lie to Lee. She is the one person I have never been able to lie to. I hear her sobbing and I look back to her.

"Come here." I tell her while holding out my hand. She steps towards me and I wrap my arms around her. "It's ok baby, don't cry." I say while rubbing her back. "Take a bath with me." I say more of a statement than a question. She looks as if she is debating it in her head. She finally makes a decision and starts taking off her clothes. My god, she is beautiful. I step back in the bath and sit down. She steps in and sits in front of me. Her back is to my front and I pull her close to me. My legs are on either side of her and. I wrap my arms around her waist. She places her arms over mine around her waist entwining our fingers. I can feel her body shaking, I know she is crying.

"Don't cry princess. I'm ok now." I say trying to make her stop. I can't stand Lee crying.

"Ok? This is not ok Bella." She says between sobs. I hold her tighter and place small kisses on the back of her neck and shoulder.

"I'm ok now because you are here." I say truthfully. "I am always ok in your arms Lee. You calm me and wipe away all the bad. I feel like I am on top of the world when you are this close to me, nothing can get to me." She turns her head and stares into my eyes. I can see the war raging in her green orbs. I kiss her cheek and nuzzle my face into her neck. She smells so good all the time. Like strawberries and vanilla. After what seems like hours we wash off and get out. After putting on a sports bra and boy shorts and her wearing one of my t shirts and a pair of panties she has in her drawer thats in my dresser, I pull her into bed with me. She takes up her position partially on top on me. Before long her breaths even out and I know she is sleeping. I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you Lee. I hope you know that. I really do love you" I whisper before falling asleep myself.

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