The Aftermath

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Riley's P.O.V

"Annabelle Pierce Family?" I hear someone say. I jump out of the chair and wipe my eyes running over to the doctor with Quint right behind me. "Are you family?" He asks eyeing us.

"She has no family. Her mom is dead and her dad did this to her. I am her girlfriend and this is her best friend." I say pointedly. The doctor gives us a sad smile.

"Ok then. Ms. Pierce has some pretty serious injuries. She has multiple broken ribs and her left arm is broken. One of the ribs broke off and punctured her lung. We were able to fix it but it wasn't good. It was very touch a go for a moment. We lost her a couple of times but we were able to get her back." He pauses when the tears escape my eyes. I wipe them and nod at him and he continues. "Her head was a different matter. Blunt force trauma caused her brain to bleed and swell. We were able to reduce the swelling and stop the bleeding but she is in a coma." At the word coma my knees buckled and Quint held me up. The doctor paused for a moment letting me collect myself. "We don't know the extent of the damage. We won't know until she wakes up, that is, if she wakes up." I narrow my eyes and furrow my brows.

"What do you mean IF?" I ask feeling the panic raising in my chest.

"The trauma to her brain was very serious. We don't know how long it was from when it started until we were able to relieve it. She could have brain damage. We won't know until she wakes up. Her body has suffered a major trauma, she is lucky to be alive. We just have to wait and see." With that a sob escapes my chest. "I'm sorry young lady. I can tell you love her very much. All I can tell you is to hold onto that love and don't let the negatives out weigh the positive."

"What about this is positive?" I ask almost angry at that statement.

"She is a very strong woman. Most people wouldn't have survived that kind of beating but she is alive. Hold on to the fact that she didn't give up even though she was in tremendous pain. She must have a reason to stay here." He says with a wink.

"Aniley" Quint whispers into my ear making me blush and smile for the first time since Ashley called me.

"Thank you doctor. When can I see her?" I ask hoping it will be soon.

"They are setting her up in a room now, the nurse will take you back when she is ready. I must warn you it is not a pretty sight. She is covered in bruises, has the cast on her arm, and has a bandage around her head from where we had to relieve the pressure. I just want you to be prepared to see her like that. If my guess is correct, she is a very strong young lady and its going to be a shock to see her so broken." I nod and thank him again before he turns and walks away.

The weight of what he just said hits me like a Mac truck. I feel my legs shaking and Quint quickly wraps his arms around me.

"She is going to be ok Ri. I just know it." He says trying to alleviate some of my worries. It doesn't really help but I appreciate the thought. I nod my head and we take a seat waiting for the nurse to call. After what seems like forever, she finally does. We walk down the hallway and the nurse stops telling us that is the room. I slowly open the door and the sight I see causes a new wave of tears to fall.

Bella is laying on the bed with the bandages the doctor told us about, a tube down her throat that is no doubt breathing for her, and a series of IV's in her arm and the top of her hand on her right side. The steady beeping of the heart monitor is the only sign that she is alive. I walk over and take her hand careful of her IV's. Her naturally tan skin is pale and her usually warm hand is ice cold. My heart breaks and I can't hold in the tears that flow out of my eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Quint looking down at me sadly. I can tell he wants to cry but he is being strong for me.

It's now 3:30 in the morning. Quint has to leave and I tell him to go. I will be ok here. I call Bellas Aunt to check on Ashley and to tell her what the doctor said. She says she will be here tomorrow after she takes Ashley to school. After that I call my mom, who is away on a business trip. I break down when she asks me whats wrong and I tell her. She tells me she will be on the first flight out in the morning and will be here by this evening since it is so early in the morning. My mom and I are very close and she knows about how much I have always loved Bella. I text Quint and tell him to to tell our friends and he says he will take care of it. After a few more minutes of starring at her, I lay my head by her hand and close my eyes. I fall into a restless sleep.

I wake up to a hand shaking my shoulder. I look up and see Bellas aunt.

"I am Beatrice but you can call me Aunt Betty." She says smiling at me.

"I'm Ri-" She cuts me off.

"I know who you are young lady. I have heard a lot about you from the girls. Ashley calls you a hero by the way. She says you save Annie's life."

"I'm no hero. Look at her." I say looking at the bruised and broken body of my girlfriend." She pats me on the shoulder and I get up. I need to go home and get clothes and take a shower. Aunt Betty says she will be here with her. I leave and head home.

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