You're Awake!

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Riley's P.O.V

It's been one week. There is no change at all in Bellas condition. My mom is here and she keeps telling me I need to go home and sleep. The cycle has been the same. Wake up here beside Bella, go to school, go to soccer practice, come back here, and repeat. I won't leave her. I talk to her every day but I don't know if she even hears me. Right now I am holding her hand and talking to her about the time we snuck into that bar and got caught. That was a fun night.

Annabelle's P.O.V

Darkness. That is all that is around me. Pure darkness. It feels like it is suffocating me. I try to talk but my throat won't work, I try to move and my body won't cooperate. I can hear a voice. One in particular I will always recognize. Lee. She is telling me about that night we snuck into the bar. We ended up getting caught and they threatened to have us arrested but we ran away.

"I miss you Bella bear. Please wake up. Please don't leave me. I love you." She says

I try to talk back, move, do something to let her know that I'm here and I love her too. I'm trying to fight but the darkness is closing in. Lee's voice is getting further and further away. No. I don't want to leave, but it's too much and I'm not strong enough to fight it.

I don't know how long it has been but I can hear the voices again.

"Mama what if she doesn't wake up." I hear Lee say, her voice cracking. No no baby I'm right here don't cry. I can hear you. If I could just move or something. Fuck why can't I do anything.

"She will baby. You will see." Way to go mama Harper. Don't let Lee give up.

"It has been 9 days mama. What if she doesn't. I can't lose her." I hear her say before the darkness is threatening to overtake me again. Bring it on. I can't do anything and I can't stand for Lee to cry.

Voices. Lee and Quint. My main man Q!

"Ri you have to get some rest and eat real food. Do you think Belle would want you to be like this. It's been 2 weeks Ri. You look like shit." I need to wake up now. This is fucking ridiculous. I need Lee to know I am ok. I use everything inside me to push away from the darkness. I can see some light so I push even harder. I am almost there...

Riley's P.O.V

All of a sudden Bella's heart monitor starts going crazy. The nurses fly in and push Quint and I out of the way.

"What happened?" I yell. "Is she ok?"

"Get them out of here the doctor says." I refuse to go and Quint picks me up and carries me out. A few minutes later, the doctor comes out. "We have stabilized her. What were you guys talking about just before it happened?"

"I was telling Riley she needed to eat and get some rest that she looks bad and Belle would hate it if she saw her like that." Quint says. "Why?"

"Her heart was thrown into a stress rhythm. Medically, her body has suffered greatly and the stress of trying to heal itself messed with her heart. We took out the tube she is breathing normally on her own now. Hopefully she will wake up in the next couple of days." He says before looking around to make sure no one is around us. "My guess is she heard you and was trying to wake up to tell you herself what this guy said." He says smirking before walking away.

We walk back into the room and see that, without the tube down her throat, Bella looks a lot more conformable. Quint leave and I sit down in my spot and lay my head on her now, if free hand. They took the one in her hand out 3 days ago. The one in her arm was enough now.

"Don't do that again Annabelle Pierce. Do you hear me?" I say before closing my eyes.

Annabelle's P.O.V.

My chest feels lighter, but I don't hear any voices. I try to open my eyes and they don't exactly do what I tell them. I try to move my hand but there is a weight holding it down. I try to move the other one and my fingers wiggle slightly but I can't move it beyond that. I try to open my eyes again. I can see tiny slivers of light. I try and open them a little more and the light is too bright. I close them quickly before trying again. Yay they finally did what I told them. I look down to see Lee with her head on my hand. That explains why I couldn't move it. She doesn't notice that I am looking at her.

"Don't do that again Annabelle Pierce. Do you hear me?" She says before closing her eyes.

"Loud and clear princess." I rasp out. My voice is hoarse and my throat is dry as a dessert. Her head shoots up and her eyes pop open and widen.

"You're awake!" She says pretty loud.

"I think so? Water." I say smiling at her. She leans up and smashes her lips onto mine. After a few minutes of a fiery kiss she pulls away and looks into my eyes before getting me some water.

"God, I missed you Bella bear."

"I know. I could tell." I say smirking.

"You could hear me?" She asks giving me more water.

"Sometimes. Other times it was just dark but sometimes I could hear you. I heard you telling me stories and I heard you talking to your mom and I head Q earlier. I have to agree princess. You look exhausted and like you have lost some weight. What happened they stop serving pizza?" I try to joke.

"Ha Ha very. Funny." She says rolling her eyes. "When the love of your life is in a coma and you don't know when she is going to wake up then you tend to ignore things like hunger."

"Well I'm awake so take that sexy ass down to the cafeteria and get some food." I tell her sternly. She rolls her eyes and kisses me before walking out. I close my eyes. Dear Lord I have missed her.

"Well hello there nice of you to join us." A doctor comes in.

"Hi. When can I leave?"

"Hold on there sparky. You have a broken left arm and a few broken ribs. You have been asleep for 2 weeks so your bruises have pretty much all healed. You were in very serious condition for a while. We actually lost you twice during the surgery to repair the lung that the broken rib punctured and to relieve some of the pressure on your brain."

"Ok. But I'm good now. I feel better. Sore but better. I want to go home."

"I tell you what. Lets take some X-rays and an MRI and if everything looks good then you can go home tomorrow. How is that?" I shrug. "Do we have a deal?" he asks extending his hand. I shake it and he smiles. "Great. Now lets take some pictures shall we" he says before a nurse brings in a machine and takes a bunch of x rays.

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