Chapter 6

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"Mr. Kyle, are you okay?" one of the interviewer, Jessica asked as soon as she saw him when the candidates were exiting.

"I am okay, but what about this young lady, who might have got hurt." the man said.

Liana blinked a couple of them and stammered as she spoke.

"I- I am O-kay." she said trying to exit and not be the center of attention.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes." she said and then realized what he just said, about meeting again.

"Have we met before?"She asked looking at him.

She doesn't remember seeing his face and someone as handsome as him, how can she come across and forget his face.

"There must be a mistake- because I haven't seen you before." she said in a soft-yet confused tone.

He smiled.

"Maybe." he said. "Well, it seems like I am interrupting an interview." he said looking at Jessica.

"Not really,. We will soon have a break." she said.

"That's great because CEO Lee wants me to pass a message to you." he said looking at all three interviewers. Spare me sometime, please." he said.

"Well, see you next time?" the man said with a glint of mischief in his eyes as he look at Liana and entered the room.

Everyone gushed and whispered and looked at Liana. Liana was so embarrassed that she wanted to hide somewhere.

"You know him?" a girl from before came forward. Her voice sounded like she was very annoyed with her.

"No." she said.

"We all heard,so don't lie." another one said as they glared at her.

"I really-" Liana tried to explain, but the door of where the interview was suppose to be held opened and the man who entered, came out and walked towards the exit not before looking back at Liana.

"There is a change. The interviews are over. We are so sorry to the other people who came here and didn't get a chance for interview."

"What do you mean that the interview is over." the girl who was glaring at Liana said. "I haven't had my interview, yet."

"We know some of you haven't had your interview, but there is a change and we got an order from the CEO that the interview must be cancelled as he himself have chose a colorist."

Everyone groaned and started packing.

"We are very sorry about this." the three interviewer bowed at the exiting candidates who was complaining about how they had to take a leave from their work to come here and how disappointed they are at the company.

Liana was disappointed too because if the CEO chose the colorist for this job means, the interview she gave was of no use. She left the place with a disheartened feelings and decided to go home.

Oliver, was back to the office after his sick leave. Everyone in the office was kind of glad with the absence of the CEO. Most of them was scared of him because when he doesn't like some ideas or project, he will make them stay back and complete it or give them impossible days of time to complete it. When he is angry, he either fires someone or literally bring the roof down. When Oliver arrived for work, everyone knew that they are in trouble.

"Why does he come to office so often? Most of the CEO hardly comes to the office." one man complained as he started stacking up the files.

"Because I need to know if you guys are slacking off." A voice said.

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