Chapter 59

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As the Ferris wheel started moving and we could see the night view. I became more anxious and I played with my fingers and tried to distract myself. Oliver looked so worried.

"Are you not feeling well? You want to get out from here?" He asked.

I was like how is this going to happen then he quickly answered. "I will just call Ethan and tell him to stop the ride or get us down." And I was like "Oh" and I told him I was fine.

"I actually wanted to answer your question." I said to him finally after taking a deep breath and he looked horrified.

"I hope it is a positive one because I am actually having a lot of fun with you at this moment." He panic and I almost laughed at how cute he is.

"I thought for a while.." I answered. "And I think I will say yes." I smiled after saying that line.

His eyes widened in shock and he stammered, "Y-Yes, y-you mean Us? like you are giving us a chance?" He asked to confirm again and I nodded my head and smile.

He was so lost with words and he got up and the small space we were in starts shaking.

"Don't get up!" I squealed as we were nearing the centre of the ride.

"I was going to hug you." He smiled happily.

"We can wait for that one. If you get up now.. it can be dangerous."

"Thank you for thinking this though. I promise you that we will work this out and I promise that I will take care of you." He said taking my hand in his.

"I hope this is a good idea." I said to myself. He looked so happy now that I was glad. Maybe I was just so into him. We looked out at the night before us and it was absolutely beautiful. The city looks wonderful with lights everywhere. We could see the whole park and I was surprised to see many people still at the park at this time. When we got down, Oliver shyly took my hand in his and we walked out.

"I always wanted to do that." He said to our intertwine fingers and smiling. "Today is our official day, right?"

I nodded my head. "I also wanted to ask if we can keep this thing as minimal as possible because I don't want people in the office to talk about."

He frowned. "They shouldn't be even coming to your mind." And when he saw my expression he sighed and said, "I will try" I give him a appreciated look and he completed the sentence "No promises though."

I smacked his arms lightly with my other hand and he laughed.

"Can I get my hug now?" He asked suddenly stopping and facing me and looking at me with hopeful eyes. I agreed.

At first I thought it was going to be super awkward, but turned out that it was not. He give really nice hug and he even gave me a forehead kiss which made the butterflies in my stomach erupt and I felt giddy like a teenager again.

We exited the park with our hands together and decided to go for dinner. He said he wants to celebrate our first day by going to some French restaurant and I give him a look and he quickly said that we can go to some other place like a Japanese restaurant or something. We ended up in a fancy restaurant and he booked a private room for us to dine. Everything was so fancy... from the inner decorations to the plates to the services and I felt weird. This was not my thing from the beginning and I tried not to show it to Oliver.

By the end of the dinner. We spoke about everything. He was very curious about my life when I was a child, teenager and now, but when I asked him about his. He just changed the topic and it went back to me. I didn't mind sharing about my life with him. He was a great listener throughout. He even somehow got cakes with candles to celebrate and it was just beautiful.

We drove home after our mini celebration. He was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other one holding my hand.

"I am so happy." He tells me. "I want to show you the world that I have been wanting to."

I smiled at him. "Now I really want to go on a trip with you to Japan... like we are officially dating, but I have important meetings." He said whining.

"It's okay. We can go some other time." I said assuring him.

"Yes. Maybe we can go to Europe?" He said thoughtfully. "It is beautiful."

"Okay. We can take it slowly." I said to him. "There is no rush."

"I am just super excited." He tells me.

When we reached my apartment. He got out of the car, which was unusual.

"I always wanted to give you a hug before you leave, but that would have been awkward." He said. "Can I get a hug?" He asked.

"You don't really have to ask." I tell him as I hugged him. He smells of citrus and he gives the best hug and he gave me a kiss on my head.

"I will miss you so much." He said. "This coming week onwards, I will be in and out of the country for a while.. maybe I will see you when you finally return back from Japan. Stay safe and always be with Grayson and your sister." He said. "I of course do expect phone calls and messages about your whereabouts and how you are doing."

"Okay captain." I joked.

"I am being serious and don't roam so late at night, alone and don't drink alone. Just don't be alone." He frowned and kept blabbering and I wanted to roll my eyes but instead, I stood on my toe and I kissed him to shut him up.

"What was that for?" He said surprised by the sudden kiss

I was surprised too because that was the first time we ever kissed and I kissed him to shut him up.

He didn't question me again as he pressed his lips to mine and if my heart could explode,it would have did it that time.

Author's Note:Thank you for reading this book! Thank you to each and everyone of you who is reading this book and voting for the chapters. Your support means a lot to us. Please continue to share our book with other readers and keep voting for our chapters. Next update will be tomorrow. Happy readings!

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