Chapter 7

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Liana lost hope of the job she was hoping for. It was Sunday morning, Liana was groaning. She hated today especially because there is family gathering where all her cousins are coming over. She did not like her cousins at all especially Melody

Melody, likes to show off and especially since she got promotion in her job and Liana knew that Melody was waiting for this gathering to boast about it.

She went over to her family home where her mom and aunts were already preparing food for the large family get together. She saw few of her younger cousins chatting and playing with their phone.

"Liana." Melody's mother came over. "How are you?" she asked.

"Great." Liana said with a fake smile.

"Melody said she will be a little late." her Aunt laughed

"Nice." Liana thought to herself.

"How about your job? You found one?" Before Liana could answer, her Aunt interrupted. "I am sure you heard how Melody got promotion in her job, that's why she will be late. She is busy even in the Weekends." her Aunt laughed and looked at Liana.

Liana faked smile. "How hard-working." she said.

"You know how Melody is, she was a great student, always getting A+ and one time when she got an A, she couldn't stop crying for days. She was the Class President also and-"

Liana felt like blocking her ears and rolling her eyes, but just then Melody's father came.

"Liana, how are you? You busy girl! So hard-working. I heard you are managing three jobs at once."

"So what? Melody's dad, even our Melody is very hard working." She laughed.

"Sure." her dad said. "You are growing well." he said smiling at her. "Your dad and I are planning to go to Europe for some days." He said.

"That's great! Where is he? I haven't seen him yet."

"He is in the kitchen.... making his famous lasagna ." her Uncle laughed.

"Thank you, see you later." she greeted her Uncle and Aunt and freed from there as soon as possible.

Liana's Dad owned a Restaurant in the city. He is a great chef and is very passionate about cooking. Her dad used to work in an office and loved cooking during weekends and off. Liana and her sister motivated his dad to quit the job and start a Restaurant on his own. It was a very difficult decision for the family that time, but soon they were able to rent a store and start a business and eventually they bought the Restaurant after it turned out to be successful and now they have two floors for themselves for that restaurant.

"Dad." Liana said greeting her dad as she walked into the kitchen.

"Lianaaaaa." her dad sang. "You stopped coming to meet your old dad." he pouted.

"You know I still visit from time-to-time."

Her dad laughed. "I will never get old of your excuses."

"I am not making excuses." she said.

"If I was your priority, you would have made an effort." her dad joked but that actually hit Liana's heart.

"Don't take it seriously, you know I always joke around." her dad said looking at Liana's frowning face.

"I just had other thoughts." she said as she came up with yet another excuse."

"What thoughts?" her dad asked.

But just then her Aunt and Mom came in with the food that they made and was ready to fry them.

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