Chapter 15

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Liana and Lucas was in the local market picking up snacks and foods that they can cook or snack on. Their shopping spree was fun and entertaining, but someone at the other side of their part, was not that happy.

Oliver was enjoying his breakfast and was working on his computer at the same time when his phone beeped a little notifying him of messages. He opened to see something that was pretty surprising. It was Jason. First Oliver expected that Jason was messaging related to work, but he was surprised to see him in a  super market and what was more surprising was the two people behind him who was so oblivious that they didn't notice anyone taking a picture of them.

Oliver called him and Jason laughed.

"That was pretty quick. I was expecting you to message me back not call so fast. What's up?"

"Who is that guy with her?"

"No, hello?" Jason said. "Well, I don't know, but they seem pretty close, bro."

"I can make out from the picture. Where are they now?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just took a picture with them then I continued with my shopping."

"How can you do that? You are suppose to follow them." Oliver groaned.

"Am I a weekend stalker now?" Jason said." I am not stalking anyone when I have off. It is weekend, hire someone else."

Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Where are you exactly?"

"It doesn't matter because I think they already left." Jason said.

Oliver groaned as he leaned back on the chair.

"I can't believe you didn't follow them." He said

"Stop trying. I won't do it." Jason said in a serious tone.

"I thought we are best friends." Oliver said in a soft tone.

"Don't even try." Jason said.

"Remember the time when I-"

"Stop bringing in topics about how you help me with my exes. You keep reminding me of them." Jason said annoyed. "It won't help. I don't even feel like looking for them when you open your mouth about my days with my exes."

"Why ain't you looking for them when I asked nicely." Oliver said.

"You call that nice?" Jason said rolling his eyes.

"I was pretty nice when I asked you." Oliver pointed out.

"Who am I even talking to. Meet me at the super market that is close to my house. I can't believe I am agreeing to this." Jason said and ended the call.

Oliver stretched and took his coat and walked out of the room.

It took Jason quite a while to locate Liana, but he was glad he found her. Liana was oblivious to her surrounding. They were walking around laughing and pushing each other and Jason thought that if what he was doing may hurt Liana later as she was with someone else.

Lucas was very well aware that someone was following them. He was very cautious with his moves and tried to not make it obvious that he was suspicious because he didn't want it to be a mistake that someone was just walking around the same direction or that person hurting one of them. He stopped at a bakery and looked at the glass seeing the reflection and noticed that instead of one person following them,it was two. Liana was confused as to why Lucas stopped in front of the bakery.

"You want something from the bakery?" She asked.

"I feel like eating cake." He said. "Should we go to Stacy's Cafe today?" He asked.

"Now?" Liana said surprised. "You do know that her cafe is in a different area and we have to travel all the way there? And plus we have lots of things to carry." Liana pointed out.

"I am craving her Cafe's cake." He said. "I will carry those things." He said taking the stuff from Liana. He wanted to make sure that he was right that someone was following them and it wouldn't be a good idea to show them where they were staying.

They travelled all the way to The Cafe but Stacy was not in that location today

Lucas was being too cautious as he noticed that those two stalkers followed them to Downtown.

"Stay in and choose cakes, I will be right back." Lucas said smiling and handing his wallet.

"What is this for?" Liana asked.

"Use my card. It is on me since we came all the way here because I asked you to." Lucas said. "I won't take a no." He said when Liana was going to reject. Lucas left to see who exactly those two stalkers was following. He realised those two stalkers was following Liana and not him when he walked somewhere else.

Jason was a little suspicious with Lucas' behaviour.

"I think that guy is a little suspicious over there." Jason said looking at Lucas.

"Do you think I care?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "You do know it is illegal and we have to face legal issues."

"Do he even have evidence we are following them? What if we are just roaming?"

"You do know some areas and stores have cameras." Jason said.

"How do we tackle this bug?" Oliver asked.

"Why are you calling him a bug. You can't do that."

"I want solutions not teachings." Oliver said making Jason rolled his eyes.

" You are going to put us into trouble." Jason said.

"She should be glad that a rich handsome man is looking out for her."

"This is call stalking not looking out for her. Admit it already you like her. If you like her just make a move if you are so confident with your looks."

"How can I make a move when no one introduced us to each other."

"You can pretend to meet her accidently."

"That's not how I do it." Oliver said.

"Can I smack you already?" Jason said annoyed.

"What do we do with that bug? He is annoying me." Oliver said making a face.

"Look, he is leaving for somewhere." Jason pointed out as they saw Lucas actually leaving for somewhere.

"Maybe I can talk to her now." Oliver said looking pleased at the opportunity in front of him.

"It seems too easy? Isn't that suspicious?" Jason asked.

"What is too easy? Nothing was easy. We drove all the way here to the most crowded place. It was not easy."

"I have a feeling that guy knows we followed them, but why is he leaving her alone." Jason said.

"You calculate way too much on your head." Oliver said laughing as he smacked Jason's back.

"I am telling you-" Jason tried to explain as Oliver got ready to introduce himself to her.

"Let's talk later and let's go. We can't keep her waiting, can we?" He said as he put on his shades.

When they were about to enter the store someone stepped infront of them and said.

"Where do you think you are going? Why are you following us?"

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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