in my blood

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Life is so unfair, one day I'm just a normal high school girl, freaking out about Mr Gonzales math test on Friday. Then  I'm the key to the survival of the human race! Like seriously, you think someone would of informed me of this before now. But no, they just wait tell last minute, and then drop a bomb shell.


Grace Fisher was your average high school, or at least that's what she thought. One day she comes home from school and finds her parents in the kitchen whispering over something, she doesn't really think anything of it. Then later that night she's told that she was part of a government experiment to "improve" the human race, and that she has powers that need to be better developed. It's basically her parents way of saying the government wants her back,  and she has to go. Grace might not be good at math but she is extremely observant, So once she gets to the government base where she's only supposed to Spend a "couple" years of her life, she starts to notice that the government is hiding something, because when are they not.  Upon further investigation she learns that she,  and the other twenty-seven kids like her, weren't created for survival, they were created as weapons. Weapons that just might end the human race.

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