DNA secrets

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Kara's is best friend's with Emma Evens. Emma's family is big on the DNA testing trend. Kara was spending the night when Emma sent in her DNA kit. It really didn't seem like a big deal. Then a couple weeks later, Kara is hanging out after school with Emma, when the police knock on the Evens family door. The DNA from Emma's kit, show's no relation to anyone in the Evens family, and in fact matches the DNA of a girl who went missing twelve years ago.

Kara remember everything from that moment. She recalls thinking about how Emma looks exactly like her family, and how could she not be related to them. Then just as the thought, "Mrs and Mr Evens are so nice, they could never steal someone's child" was going through her mind. Emma said something that would change her life forever.


The police are putting Mr and Mrs Evens in handcuffs, while another officer is trying to gently pull Emma and me to another car. Emma, struggling against one, the female cop. "Wait, it's a misunderstanding," the cop ignores her. Telling her it's going to be okay. "No, it wasn't my DNA, it was Kara's, she's the girl."

The officers stop and look at me, I can tell that there debating rather or not she's making it up. I think back to when they first came to the door, saying that the name of the girl that went missing was "Karina." I think about how similar it is to my name. The next thing I do, I don't think about, I just run. The officers are startled at first. I'm pretty sure they don't know what to do.

I just keep running, until I get to my house. My Mom looks startled when I run in. She goes to reprimand me, but I interior her before she can. "Was I kidnapped?" Her face changes rapidly, show caseing worry, and shock.

"How did you find out?, We have to go now. I'll call your father, he'll meet up with us somewhere, we don't have time to pack, just get in the car." She starts freaking out.

She's pulling me to the car, "wait, mom!" She stops and looks at me, "it's true, but why?"

"Just get in the car, and I'll explain" she says panicked. 

I get in the car and we begin driving, we're two blocks down the road when I notice the flashing lights, near where my house is. "Mom, you said you'd explain?"

She sighs "before we found you, we had four miscarriages. We were leaving the hospital, after finding out that I couldn't have children. We had stopped at a gas station, one of those big ones with a restaurant and a area where they sold clothes. That's when we found you, you were lost, looking for your mom. You were so small, and crying. I just wanted to confirm you, so I picked you up, and then you snuggled in to me and started sleeping. I didn't even register when taking you to the car, or laying you in the back seat. You father was two hours down the road when he realized you were with us. At first he wanted to take you back, but the way you made me smile, he couldn't do it. So we just kept you."

She finishes as we pull up in front of my father's work, but the police were already here. She turns to me. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to be your mom."


Kara's parents were arrested shortly after, and she was then sent to the other side of the state to live with her real family. It turns out her mother, who had her when she was sixteen, has gotten married with two children. Now Kara has to learn to navigate life with her mother, step father, and two younger siblings. All while everyone at her new highschool and town whisper and gossip about her.

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