Hurtful words

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It wasn't quite right, and I knew it the moment I walked into the room. Something was just off. Everyone stared at me, the hushed whispering no longer going on.  The moment Brooklyn, my recently discovered half sister walked in to the room, the tension grew. They were waiting for something, but I didn't know what.  As soon as Brooklyn sits down, her friend Abby slides her phones over for her to see. Brooklyn takes the phone, placing the ear buds in her ears and watching something on the screen. Everyone in the room is watch her, and then glancing over at me, expecting a reaction, but I have no idea what's going on.

Then, she looks up and we make eye contact. From the look in her eye, I can tell that she's angry. "How could you?" She says quietly, hurt in her voice. "I can't believe you would do something like this."  She then leaves the room, not even bothering to stay for class. I just stand there confused, before deciding to leave too.

As I make my way done the hall toward the library, I pull my phone out to see if there was anything on social media that would explain the way everyone is acting. Unfortunately I was too distracted and ended up bumping into someone, dropping my phone. I let out a few curse words as I bend down to pick it up. After I stand back up I notice that the person I bumped into was Gregor Jones.

He laughs when my eyes widen as I look up at him, he's probably about a foot taller that me, and is our schools best basketball player. "Hey, aren't you the girl from that video?"

I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion. "What video?"

He looks at me for a moment, studying if I'm telling the truth or not. "The video that everyone is talking about, you haven't seen? I'm pretty sure that's you in it." I shake my head and he pulls out his phone.

When he shows me the screen, the first thing I notice is that he's right, that is me. I'm in my old room, the one at my mother's house. He presses play, and i watch as the me in the video starts to rant, about how Brooklyn could never be my sister, and then I let out of few of the secrets about her that only me and a few others knew. The video ends and my eyes widen as I look at him. "Who posted that?"

He shrugs, "I don't know, who ever runs the account, 'tell no secrets' did I guess."

I stand there for a moment thinking, "I didn't even know that was being recorded," I look back at him "I have to go."  I say before rushing away, but instead of heading for the library, I head right out the front doors of the school.


Odyssa Marshall just found out who her father is, when her mother gets a job writing articles for a magazine that requires her to travel. Not only is she now going to live with her father, but she also has a half sister. A half sister who she's known her entire life, and doesn't exactly get along with.

One night she's hanging out with her best friend and goes on a rant about her "new" sister, unfortunately she didn't know that her friend was recording. She also didn't know that her friends phone would be stolen the next day and the video would be release  two months later. Now she has to deal with the reprecussions of her words and what they've done to her sister and her family.

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