Chapter 13

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"I need a drink," Eliza mutters under breathe, thirty long minutes of fake smiles and false laughs has her brain threatening to burst. She sneaks a look at her uncle who is overflowing with pride to hear all the congratulations and compliments of his niece's advantage of marriage. Harrington has returned to the cold and intimating man that Eliza first met, barely smiling and replying in tight-lipped sentences. People she has barely spoken to embrace her with love and compliment her on her dress to her hair. However, through the nice talk and smiles, judgemental looks and snide remarks slip through. Eliza shuffles on the spot, her feet are beginning to ache and the pressure of the party weighs down her shoulders. She could tell that people meeting her did not think her suitable for Harrington or the title of a duchess. The clock strikes a few times and Eliza searches around for a lifeline.

"Elizabeth, darling, you look fabulous." A woman wearing a cream dress with tassels floats through the door and air kisses her cheeks. The lady reeks of perfume and has a face full of makeup and rouge.

"Thank you." Eliza smiles at the strange woman with no idea who this she is. "But that's not my name."

"Congratulations you two." The woman says to her and Harrington, ignoring the comment, "You are a gorgeous looking couple."

"Thank you, Countess Birch." Harrington kisses her gloved hand and gives her a small smile. The Countess giggles and glides away into the ballroom, allowing a footman to escort her, she glances back once or twice.

"She called me Elizabeth!" Eliza says disdainfully, "Cow."

"Watch what you say about her." Harrington warns, "She is a very powerful woman."

"What do you mean?" She looks at him curiously.

"Never you mind." Harrington sighs.

Eliza doesn't push the subject but tugs at her hair. Charlotte walks in from the ballroom almost bouncing in excitement.

"Everyone is here so you know what that means." Charlotte looks expectantly at Eliza, Harrington and Benjamin. They look between each other blankly.

"Speech time," Charlotte says like it is obvious with an eye roll. "Benjamin you'll go first and then you two can say a quick something."

Eliza grimaces as she follows her friend into the packed ballroom. Women and men part to let them through, they reach the band. Her uncle walks onto the podium with a glass of champagne as the band stops playing. Eliza looks around for a glass of champagne but there are no servers to be seen. Benjamin looks slightly intimated with all the stares on him but he smiles brightly.

"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome and thank for coming to my niece's engagement party to Duke Harrington. I never thought I'd be standing in front of so many celebrating Eliza's engagement. Eliza was brought to me under unfortunate circumstances and yet she has made our years together memorable and happy. I never thought I would have to give her away as she can be slightly...erratic."

The crowd laughs.

"However I am delighted that I will be handing her to an honest gentleman who will cherish her and I wish them many happy years together, to Eliza and Jasper." Benjamin raises his glass in a toast and everyone follows suit.

"Eliza and Jasper." The room echoes.

Eliza feels a hand grabs hers, she looks up into Harrington's face and a rush of warmth flows through her stomach. He leads her onto the stage where her uncle kisses her cheeks affectionately and hugs her.

"Thanks, Uncle." She whispers in his ear. The crowd look at Harrington and her expectantly. Harrington steps forward to speak but Eliza seizes his wrist to stop him. She smiles reassuringly at him and he narrows his eyes at her. She looks at the people in front and the words flow from her mouth.

"Thank you, Uncle, that was lovely," Eliza says brightly. "Hello everyone and thank you for coming. I never thought I would be standing on this stage in front of all of you, engaged! I know there has been gossip about me and how I am slightly odd and unsuitable but I have found someone who loves me for me." Eliza takes Harrington's hand with a smile. "For my love of Shakespeare and hunting, my sarcasm and wit. Jasper," Eliza takes more his hands in hers.

"I love you." She leans on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek. The crows aw and clap. Harrington looks down at Eliza's face, she has a fake smile on that could fool most but her eyes are unreadable.

"Why did you do that?" He whispers into her ear.

"It made them believe, didn't it?" Eliza replies quietly. The band start playing behind them and people sweep onto the dance floor. Harrington leads her off the stage and they walk through the throng of well-wishers. Charlotte hugs her and hands her a glass.

"That was lovely." She tells Eliza, tears leaking out of her eyes. The three stand together and watch couples dance around the room, occasionally making small talk with guests.

"Would you like to dance?" Harrington suddenly says as the first dance comes to an end. Eliza feels a small real smile grace her lips. She hands her glass to Charlotte and places her hand in his and together they walk onto the floor together. He places his hand on her waist and holds the other, Eliza slips her hand onto his shoulder and looks nervously around.

"I have to warn you, I am not a great dancer." She says. The music starts up and Harrington swirls her around him, she stumbles and steps on his feet a few times. He winces but doesn't complain, they soon find a rhythm and they glide around the room in time to the music. Eliza hasn't danced with anyone in a long time and she has forgotten how much fun it is. She soon relaxes into the dance and enjoys the feeling of being swept around the floor. Harrington looks down at her smiling face and feels a warm glow in his body. For once he doesn't care what people are thinking or the future, he just enjoys dancing with Eliza, England's most mediocre dancer.

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