Chapter 56

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Eliza waits patiently for the doctor, the servants have taken away the tub, changed the bed's sheets and removed the excess bedding. Jasper, Charlotte and Thomas have all gone to greet the doctor, Eliza heard the doorbell ring a minute ago, she tugs at the lacey collar of the dress, it scratches her neck.

There's a short knock on the door and the doctor walks in.

"Lady Harrington it is a delight to see you awake." He says as he places his bag on the floor. "You had us worried there."

Eliza smiles weakly. The doctor opens his bag and pulls out several scary looking gadgets and instruments.

"Now your friends and husband have told me that you seem rather well but I am suspecting you are a lot worse than you are acting."

"Is that such a terrible thing?" She asks guilty.

"No." The doctor sighs. "It is bad to worry those who love you, but suffering for that is worse. Let me check you over."

"Of course." Eliza sits up straighter. The doctor pops a thermometer into her mouth and pulls a stethoscope out of his bag. He listens to her heart for a complete minute. He mutters something to himself and takes the thermometer out of her mouth. He places a withered hand on her forehead, he drops his hand and feels the pulse in her neck. He holds her head still and studies both of her eyes intently.

"Have you been sick since you woke up?" He asks


"Felt hot or and cold suddenly?"

"A little."

"Had difficulty breathing?"


The doctor consults his notes.

"You seem to be on the recovery." He says, "Your fever has gone almost completely, your heart rate is still rather high but your breathing has lessened. Could you eat?"

" I feel like I might throw up any moment, I certainly couldn't eat anything even if I wanted to."

"That is to be expected." He says, "But as long as you don't throw up in the next day your stomach will be able to accept food soon. What you need is plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, some whiskey to settle your stomach and when you fancy something to eat, start with bread and soup." He closes his bag. "You are very weak, you are running on adrenaline currently but you will crash soon, I don't expect you to be out of bed until tomorrow week."

Eliza nods, her heart pounds but she can't keep it in any longer.

"Doctor I was wondering if the sickness could have been perhaps something less.....illness-based, I was throwing up before my fever."

Catching her meaning the doctor frowns.

"When was your last course?"

"About 7 weeks and then today."

The doctor scratches his chin, he sits down next to her on the bed.

"You are not expecting my lady, you may have been but the combination of your illness, fever and travelling..." He trails off,
Eliza swallows and forces a smile to her face.

"Could you help me to bed?"

"Of course." He supports her arm and back as she slips between covers of her freshly changed bed.

"I'll inform your friends and husband of your condition." He says.

"Could you....?" Eliza begins.

"I will only tell them the basics," He promises, "As long as you promise to take care of yourself."

"I do." Eliza says, "Could you send my husband in?"

"Of course." The doctor bows his head before leaving the room. Eliza leans back into the pillows, her hands run over her flat stomach. Her heart feels slightly heavier than usual. The door opens and Jasper walks in, he has changed into a set of clean clothes and walks with a lighter step.

"Hello," Eliza says as he sits on the edge of her bed.

"What did the doctor say?" He asks, crossing his legs.

"I just need to rest for a week, nothing to worry about," Eliza reassures him. "I'll be perfectly well by the end of this week."
Jasper narrows his eyes, it is evident he doesn't quite believe her but he doesn't push the subject.

"We need to talk," Eliza says. She waves away his protest at her condition. "I am well enough to do this and I want to even if you do not."

"Fine." Jasper says leaning on the bedpost, "Shall I begin?"


Jasper thinks for a moment, the last few days have been nothing short of hellish and yet this moment and what he is about to say seem more vital than anything he has experienced so far.

"Firstly I know that I am set in my ways and traditions, I may not agree with what you or James did, however, it is not in my right to decide right from wrong in matters where I am not concerned. You did a favour for a friend. I respect your loyalty to him. I also apologise for reading your letter and for losing my temper. " He looks down at the floor as he speaks.

"I am sorry too." Eliza says reaching for his hand, "I made a decision without thinking of all the consequences, it only later occurred to me how it would affect yours and James friendship. I know that I act rashly and I promise to consult you in all matters not because you are my husband but because I want to." She takes a deep breath. "I am sorry that I wrote about your father, I don't have a right to."

There is silence. They share a look of regret and hope.

"There's another thing." She says. "There was a chance I was expecting a baby for a few days but with my fever, the travelling and stress...I am not anymore. I may have never been but a while ago you said you didn't want children and I know I could never raise a child without you."

Jasper shuffles himself close to her, he wraps his arms around her and hugs her. Eliza feels very confused but she returns the embrace. His mouth next to her ear he whispers.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, including these spats and fights and most definitely with children." 

Eliza draws back and looks him in the eyes. "That is a rather large change of heart in a short time."

"It turns out that Charlotte is particularly good at persuasion and manipulation," Jasper says wryly.

"Ooh, I am intrigued," Eliza says.

Jasper laughs but then he grows serious. "I want to have children and raise them to be as perfect as their mother. My childhood is dammed."

Eliza smiles and reaches up to kiss him. She brushes her lips over his for a moment, she then kisses his cheek before throwing herself into his lap. She giggles at his surprised expression before she hits him in the face with a pillow. He shields his face at the pillows blows, he manages to seize the pillow and tug it away. Eliza's face has gone bright red.

"What was that?" He asks amused.

"You just said you wanted to have children with me, I don't handle emotion well," Eliza says covering her blushing cheeks with her hands.

"Becuase you asked!" Jasper laughs. Eliza slumps back into bed, her body is demanding sleep. Jasper can see she has burnt off all the adrenaline and is close to drifting off, she doesn't resist as he covers her with the blanket. 

"When you are awake, we can talk about baby names." He teases as he kisses her forehead, she swats at him playfully.

"Goodnight." She murmers and she drifts off into a faceless dream.

Authors Note

Hi guys, thanks for reading this chapter, so I have almost come to the end of this story and I was wondering how I should end it, epilogue chapter? cliffhanger? open-ended for a second book? Please drop me a comment on what you think.

Thanks ❤️


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